View Full Version : Headache, dizziness for 10 weeks.

10-08-18, 12:31
So for 10 weeks iv had a constant heavy head feeling with pressure. Like a headache. My eyes strain really bad and I feel as though I'll black out. Iv also had dizziness everyday too. Very unsteady. Swaying feeling ECT. Being sick too. Now all this has sent my anxiety into over drive and I feel so depressed. I can't even leave my house. There's many other symptoms to but I just don't know how to explain them. My head just feels very strange. It's terrifying me. I feel this will never go and I will die. Iv had a mri which is normal. Saw ent. I'm now waiting on my long awaited appointment to Neuro. Hoping they can give me some answers. As I sit here and write this I'm very aware of how strange I feel. It's very deliberating. My hearing is super sensitive to. This has/is ruining my life. I have 2 children that are suffering because of this and my relationship is also. I don't go out my house in fear I'll pass out or I'll go very dizzy. I'm just wanting to see if anyone has experienced anything like this. My consultant is thinking migraines. But surely you can't have a migraine everyday for all this time? It all started around 10 week ago. I woke with the worse headache I'd ever had. Went to hospital and was sent home. The following day I was round a friends and bam the room began to spin. It's never gone from there. Iv been prescribed proprananol which has eased it ever so slightly. I'm just stuck I really am.

10-08-18, 14:03
I have had something somewhat similar, vestibular neuritis. But you're on the right track having seen an ENT and soon a neuro. Migraines can do these types of things too, even painless migraines, there's a condition called Migraine-Associated Vertigo. The good news is that even though it feels scary as hell and is affecting your spirit, the cause usually is nothing sinister (which the mri has basically ruled out).

Keep at it and try and do as much as you can of your daily life, and make effort to relieve anxiety. If the anxiety is the cause, doing so will help, and even if it isn't, lowering anxiety will lessen your symptoms.

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10-08-18, 17:03
The doctor mentioned labyrinthitis but I know it isn't that as iv had it before. It's a very strange feeling in my head that's constantly there. It feels as though my brain is jittery. Like I'm wobbling side to side with a heavy headache feeling. It's like when I inhale through my nose and my head goes woooo like a weird feeling. I'm sorry this is so hard to explain. 10 weeks everyday. Iv had no break from it. Terrifies me xxxx

10-08-18, 18:32
Oh I know it's hard to explain!! And hard not to be terrified with it!! But it is highly likely to be "benign". On a side note, labrynthitis (like my VN) can last for several months in some cases even though it usually lasts only a couple weeks.

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10-08-18, 19:05
Yes I know it can last a very long time. But it doesn't explain the strange headaches. Sometimes I can't read neither. It's like a mental block with eye strain. What does my head in the most is that I can't explain it lol. X

18-08-18, 19:01
I've been having daily headaches for about six weeks now - initially for the first couple of weeks I didn't worry too much, as I had just come off Sertraline, and assumed it was a side effect of that. However I have had an almost constant headache ever since, not usually severe but a mild ache in the back of head on the right hand side. No other symptoms over than feeling a bit 'spaced out' on occasion.

Back of head pain only seems to get severe if I do any strenuous activity, but it goes away almost immediately after stopping. Paracetamol and aspirin do not seem to touch it, have started worrying about it this week (I have health anxiety as it is, so my immediate thought is 'brain tumour'). I work on computers every day so am hoping its just the strain of that, I had new glasses in March and the eye tests did not bring up anything untoward.

Am going to the doctors on Monday for something else, but will mention it as its wearing me down a bit the last few days

19-08-18, 00:08
I actually went through something similar and it lasted no joke like 12 weeks or more. Just general off balance feeling, headaches, etc. I purely believe it was being prolonged by me hyper focusing on it to be honest.

I remember thinking during the whole ordeal... "if this turns out to be nothing I will be genuinely blown away"...

19-08-18, 03:54
My wife gets super bad headaches fairly frequently, and has tried pretty much every treatment on the books to no avail. It sucks but it's not caused by something nefarious. She also has Benign Positioning Veritgo, so she tends to get dizzy fairly frequently as well. Also something annoying, but not nefarious.

22-08-18, 22:30
I had almost a year of these same symptoms along with vision problems, occasional ringing in the ears, and even neck strain. After a battery of tests and several incorrect diagnoses, it turned out to be TMJ. Since that was addressed, I’m doing a lot better. If I get stressed out though a lot of my symptoms start coming back because I subconsciously start clenching and/or grinding again.