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11-08-18, 12:29

So lately I’ve been through a stressful period finishing my degree and I started noticing that my left thumb jerks of its own accord sometimes, for no apparent reason?! It’s the hand I hold my phone in so I’ve tried to put it down to a trapped nerve or something related... but today I’m struggling :(
My Dad died of ALS and I’m terrified this is what’s happening to me?!
My anxiety has been heightened recently so I’m trying my hardest to put it down to that. I wondered if anyone else has experienced this? Could it be a symptom of anxiety? Any advice would be really appreciated!

Nerynoo x

11-08-18, 14:27
You have said it in your post.
Stress!!!! I had it. It went away, so don't over think it might be something more. :hugs:

11-08-18, 16:09
Thank you for replying to my post Carnation.
I know you’re probably right! It’s horrible what a an anxious mind can do to your logical thinking. I do think it’s most probably stress related but then my worried brain says lots of illnesses are brought on by prolonged stress :doh: Can I ask, yours last for a number of weeks before it went away?

12-08-18, 13:40
ive had twitching fingers for years off and on. And I do notice they get worse with stress. Just think: We spend all day typing, or even baking, cooking, playing....using our hands. When we type on a computer or laptop our hands are in an awkward position and it causes carpal tunnel like issues.

12-08-18, 19:40
There is no one answer to that Nerynoo.
It can happen just once, it can be in a periodic fashion, it can come and go or certain times in your life when stress is high. Even tiredness can affect it or something in your subconscious that is worrying you.
But, it can not harm you.

12-08-18, 20:20
I’ve had this recently - it became something I focused on and was petrified I had Parkinson’s or something , I noticed it more and more but then it just stopped mostly and I don’t notice it any more. It’s common especially during stress and anxiety

12-08-18, 23:12
Thanks for responding everyone. I’ve tried to pay it less attention when it happens and not add more panic. Hopefully it will subside once my anxiety settles down a bit :hugs:

16-08-18, 22:28
Had thumb jerking, it is BFS, benign fasciculation syndrom.

Wait to get jerking of lattisimus dorsi (lat muscles). Those hurt like hell.