View Full Version : Drowsiness in the eyes/head but no fatigue, all day, anxiety?

11-08-18, 20:49
I've ruled out most every physiological illness (endocrine /cardio /pulmonary /blood sugar/ etc.), and my other symptoms can be explained by internal anxiety/panic (palps, hyperventilation, chills/hot flashes, exaggerated startle, hyperarousal).
But for over a year I have had these weird debilitating waves of drowsiness that comes and goes ONLY in my head and eyes literally every day.

Example: I eat, wide awake, enjoying the food...I stop, within SECONDS or minutes I feel a physical drowsiness come to my eyes and head and watery eyes. This is like clockwork after every meal.

Example: I am engaged in a very exciting video game for a few hours or a very active conversation, same thing happens when I stop.

Example: The minute I start home (or arrive home) from a day out (say a distant doctor visit) I have the same drop, the longer the duration the more drowsy I am.

Here is the rub...I am NEVER fatigued. I can do moderate exercise in the house and I feel fine all my symptoms go away. You guessed it...I stop exercising here comes the drowsiness NOT the fatigue.

It is insane, if I could eat and exercise 24x7 I probably be ok!

I am essentially homebound by this..

Has anyone with anxiety and panic disorders ever experienced something like this?