View Full Version : Headache, eye and sinus

12-08-18, 11:41

I am going mad with anxiety about my symptoms! Last week I got a blurry eye like I was getting a migraine then all my sinus on that side hurt and around my eye. I took some Sudafed and it felt a little better but not much. Since then, all around my eye hurts, along my nose and under my eye along my cheeks. I am a little stuffy on that side. Air con makes my face hurt and so most of me thinks that it is sinus related but I still have niggling doubts. I went to the GPand he said sinus. The antibiotics and nasal spray have reduced the pain but it is still painful and stressing me out all day. I have a nagging pain above my eye and it is blurry in the corner at times . My eye aches and feels tired. I wonder if I have eye strain as well as sinus. It does feel a little like “brain freeze” or a massive bubble at times and squeezing stabbing pain other times.

But I am also panicking that I have a brain tumour, eye tumour, sinus tumour etc. I know it is not rational to think the big c as soon as I feel unwell but my Brain goes there. I get massive HA when I am stressed and I have had enormous stress this week, so the headache could even be stress related.

I am freaking out and tomorrow I will return to the docs and most likely also get an opticians appointment for peace of mind.

Please has anyone else had sinus problems which have give them similar symptoms?

So fed up of this, I can’t get away from it.

12-08-18, 12:42
If it's responding to antibiotics, it won't be a tumour. :) Honestly, it does sound like a sinus infection to me. I ended up with one after having the flu last year, and it was a nightmare thanks to the pain! It cleared up, though, and I'm sure yours will too. You're doing the right thing going to the doctor to get the best course of treatment, and they'll know exactly what to look for and how to help. :) If they're confident that it's your sinuses, it sounds like it's that. (And I hope you feel better soon, I know from experience that sinus infections are rotten things to go through. If there's anyone around who can bring you some chocolate or other snacks, I'd say you've earnt it!)

14-08-18, 10:42
Thanks for your reply, I do seem to be slowly on the mend. But OMG did I had a stressful day yesterday!

Went back to docs for more antibiotics and she checked me out again. Cos I had eye pain and one episode of tunnel vision (under extreme stress) she sent me to A&E to see an eye doc. I was so worried about what she was thinking although she said that it probably was fine just to be sure. I waited for hours at the hospital and finally got seen, told I have very dry eyes probably due to a skin condition I have and that + stress probably what is causing vision problems. Eyes are fine.

I felt so relieved and at least now I know not to worry (though I shouldn’t have to start with). I have more meds to take so hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon.

Thanks again