View Full Version : Panic anxiety something else

12-08-18, 12:52
Hi just wondering if anyone can relate to these scary episodes I’ve been having ... out of the blue I get nervous feeling in stomach for no reason then this sort of intense fear and dread just sweeps over me stomach goes crazy nervous then get hot sweat bit lightheaded feel my pulse and it just seems fairly normal.... it leaves me feeling so scared... I habe been dealing with a lot of anxiety and panic over recent months but these episodes are frightening ... had all sorts of blood tests ecgs 48 hour monitor ... I can’t believe anxiety and panic can cause these feelings ... it makes me feel I don’t want to do anything ... any ideas?

12-08-18, 15:00
Hi Helen, yep I can definitely relate. Sounds like a typical and horrible panic attack to me. It does cause really unpleasant symptoms.

Just got to try not to react to it when you're having an attack because it makes it worse - easier said than done I know!


12-08-18, 16:33
Thank you for your response Grace 🙂 so hard to ignore I was about to go out and then out of the blue knot in stomach happens then my body then just seems to take over ! Not sure if it’s mind or body but I mean the physical symptoms just start happening and it’s that awful feeling of dread that I can’t really explain but you just feel like you are going to die! I’m not sure what triggers these episodes I get others when say I’m at work in a meeting or in a shop or in a car feeling trapped in the motorway and I can breathe properly and I feel dizzy and tingles in fingers etc .... which I can sort of accept ... but these tummy churning hot sweat feeling of doom ones really scare me ! X