View Full Version : Looks like it's back again

15-08-07, 12:36
Hi everyone sorry I havent been online for a long time I've been doing so well and haven't really experienced any symptoms for ages.

But now all of a sudden it's all coming back again? I've been really great lately, got my gf back as we had a big row and split but sorted it, got a job, finally got money coming in and now my panic and anxiety symptoms have returned....why?

Fingers and hands are tingling as well as my toes and the dizziness and weird horrible unbalanced symptoms are back just as I was feeling so good they're pushing me back down again :(

Why does it happen when you're at your best :(

geordie flower
15-08-07, 12:45
Hiya, i too have been doing alot better lately then BANG today im dizzy and off balance and just feel yuk! I should be fine cos im on holiday for 2 weeks from tomorrow but i just feel dizzy and out of it kinda drunk! I hate being like this!!!! tracey x :)

15-08-07, 15:24
Hiya, i cant actually explain why this happens, I've just posted a smiliar thread under the general anxiety board...but for me ive had a really hard time over the last 6months but now everything is great and ive nothing to worry about and...guess what...the panic and anxiety has started. Its almost as though im subconsciously finding something to worry about cos my problems have now gone lol Its so annoying though isnt it! x

18-08-07, 19:45

Well I'm even more terrified now I think I have ectopic heart beats! All weekend just felt like fluttering feeling in my chest makes me lose my breath then went into full blown panic at one point...help :(