View Full Version : intoduction of myself

06-01-05, 12:39
hi thank you for help getting started,so far my new year has started with continual problems! i am in my fifth day of taking antidepressants,i feel very spaced out and find it hard to concentrate,my doctor is great she has been with me through all my anxiety attacks, i have felt like this gradualy since 2002 when my then 11 year old daughter was diagnosed with insuline dependant diabetis,being a single parent i found it hard to adjust to the injecting,meals sleepless nights etc,i lost my job including the friends i had made there,then on lilys 13th birthday sept gone,she had to be taken to hospital by ambulance due to her condition,lily was so frightened ,i had to put all my fears on hold! i have stopped answering the phone,always making excuses to not socialis with friends,i even brought a puppy to use as an excuse to stay home! finding this site was by pure luck, but i now have something possitive to think about! looking foreward to chating to you .tana x


06-01-05, 13:46
Hi Tana

The antidepressants can cause worsening of symptoms of first but this usually settles within a couple of weeks. Are you getting any other help?

I bet the puppy keeps you busy and walking a dog can be a good way of getting out a bit more.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

06-01-05, 14:53
**i feel very spaced out and find it hard to concentrate**

This is typical of settling in on meds and indeed are anxiety symptoms alone.

The puppy is great news as it will make you get out and walk it so yu get extra company as well as exercise- so good self help .

**i have stopped answering the phone,always making excuses to not socialis with friends**
This is not a good move - now is the time to build these links up again slowly - you need real company and support for daily life. We can help you with anxiety and panic but its no substitute for old friends and real cups of tea.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

06-01-05, 21:14
Hi Tana

Hopefully we can get you back on track and help you through this.

Sorry to hear about the problems with daughter. Must be really hard for her too.

Hopefully a puppy will get you out cos they need lots of exercise don't they.
