View Full Version : Any of you feel this way?

13-08-18, 16:40
So, my doctors thought I had a possible Marfan Syndrome in me. I went to various tests all of which said I am fine. No heart problems. It has caused me massive anxiety because I feel like one day I may develop the associated heart problems.

Recently, I have been feeling angry as to why this stops me from being happy. The cardiologist told me to come back in 2 years and I feel like something bad will happen till then. I am so angry as of why I believe this and how I have some symptoms of Marfans. **** that stupid syndrome and any one of those pictures I have seen of people who have it. I am so mad. I do not look like those people. Why do they think this. **** OFF let me live.

sorry for the rant.
matt :)