View Full Version : Advice and help needed please

13-08-18, 17:35
I was bad with health anxiety about 10 years ago and after CBT and one on one high intensity therapy I got a lot better but was left battling health anxiety daily but at a somewhat manageable level. Lately though it has increased significantly after starting with worrying symptoms again. I’m looking for advice as to which of my symptoms are most likely anxiety related because these symptoms have me living in fear and it is ruining my life! My daily symptoms are:

* Dull achey pressure in left side of chest
* Muscle spasms in various places - mostly my chest/back on left side but also had them in lips, stomach, legs. THESE ARE REALLY BAD LATELY
* Tight chest/difficulty breathing
* Fast heart rate/palpitations/skipped heart beats
* Waking in night unable to breathe - like my lungs have collapsed!!
* Sharp pains in chest
* Food frequently gets stuck in throat when swallowing
* Feeling sick/Lump feeling in throat
* Feet tingle when I first stand up out of bed in a morning

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated xx

14-08-18, 20:05
I would say ALL of them! It sounds very much like you may have a reflux issue? Have you tried taking antacids after eating or before bed to see if there’s any difference?

Would also recommend seeing your GP to discuss your symptoms.

I have all of these too, it’s rubbish & I feel for you.

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15-08-18, 18:49
Thank you for your reply and advice.

I’ve been to my doctor today who has said she’s sure it’s all anxiety related. So all I can do now is work on coping with the symptoms and my health anxiety and hope that I can get it under control to a point where I can at least enjoy my life

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