View Full Version : Hi

13-08-18, 18:34

I have depression and anxiety and ptsd that has gotten so much worse the last 2 months

My number one trigger is my mum going away.

But she decided to anyway.

I'm devastated and feel abandoned.

It's made me feel like I'm dying.

I forgive her as it helps me but I'm done with her.

13-08-18, 19:02

I have depression and anxiety and ptsd that has gotten so much worse the last 2 months

My number one trigger is my mum going away.

But she decided to anyway.

I'm devastated and feel abandoned.

It's made me feel like I'm dying.

I forgive her as it helps me but I'm done with her.

hello and welcome to nmp
sorry to hear about what
has happened to you,you
will fine lots of help and
support here sending you hugs:hugs:

13-08-18, 20:33
Hi, am sending hugs too. Sorry you're going through this, and that your mum leaving has made you feel even worse... NMP has been so reassuring to me and seen me through my most desperate times with support and advice... I hope you can feel supported and understood here too :hugs:

16-08-18, 05:46
Hi guys thank you.

She's back now and I have to move on.

The most upsetting thing either my panic is I wake up after sleeping with sweats and high blood pressure.
I'm measuring it at home so the doctor can see.
It is dangerously high as soon as I wake up then literally one minute later it I still normal again,
Something is going on in my sleep.
I am pretty upset as normally it is very healthy