View Full Version : Large Breast Mass - Petrified :(

13-08-18, 21:23
Hello, I'm a newbie here, have often read and reassured myself using this forum but wanted to now contribute and try and get some personal reassurance.

I regularly check my boobs, and a week ago I noticed I had a huge mass in my left boob, when I saw huge, I mean about 4cm, so I decided to head to the docs this morning as both boobs have been hurting ALOT, she has a good feel and says she can feel what I feel, in her words, it feels a lot more glandular in my left boob and has referred me to the breast clinic.

Yes I googled, yes I wish I hadn't, but now i'm in full on panic mode, I don't want to die, I have a daughter with autism and I need to be here for her. I know it sounds dramatic.

I don't know how a lump can appear so quickly, or if I just dismissed it when it was smaller and now it's turned into something awful and terminal.

Going to be freaking out about it until I have further tests.
I did have a routine complete blood count a few months ago which came back clear, as well as having blood pressure checked and things and all was good, would the blood test have picked something up?

Any personal stories would be really grateful right now, I know I can't get a definitive answer from any who isn't a professional but I'm bloody scared and don't know what to do :(

mare serenitatis
14-08-18, 05:30
I don’t know how old your daughter is-

I just had a baby 6 months ago, and also felt a large lump. I brought it up to my doctor who told me that after having children, your breasts change. The glands sorts of growntogether, making it feel lumpier than before. She also told me breast cancer wouldn’t typically hurt.

It’s good to check, and I’m sure you’ll have peace of mind after leaving the clinic.

14-08-18, 07:24
Hi, thanks for your reply.

She is 6!
I’ve had people tell me that too, it’s just strange how sudden this seems to be, feels like my right breast is “empty” and my left one is fuller.

I’m trying to reassure myself that if my doctor thought it was urgent then she wouldn’t have left me leave without an urgent referral, she did say because I was under 30 that it could take up to 4 weeks for an appointment, that’s reassuring I guess?

I’m going over that appointment in my head and now health anxiety is telling me she looks concerned


14-08-18, 08:17
Hello, I'm a newbie here, have often read and reassured myself using this forum but wanted to now contribute and try and get some personal reassurance.

I regularly check my boobs, and a week ago I noticed I had a huge mass in my left boob, when I saw huge, I mean about 4cm, so I decided to head to the docs this morning as both boobs have been hurting ALOT, she has a good feel and says she can feel what I feel, in her words, it feels a lot more glandular in my left boob and has referred me to the breast clinic.

Yes I googled, yes I wish I hadn't, but now i'm in full on panic mode, I don't want to die, I have a daughter with autism and I need to be here for her. I know it sounds dramatic.

I don't know how a lump can appear so quickly, or if I just dismissed it when it was smaller and now it's turned into something awful and terminal.

Going to be freaking out about it until I have further tests.
I did have a routine complete blood count a few months ago which came back clear, as well as having blood pressure checked and things and all was good, would the blood test have picked something up?

Any personal stories would be really grateful right now, I know I can't get a definitive answer from any who isn't a professional but I'm bloody scared and don't know what to do :(L

14-08-18, 08:57

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


14-08-18, 18:12
First of all big *hugs* I'm so sorry you're going through this fear! I actually went through something JUST like this back in April/May. It was Easter Sunday to be exact, I reached in my bra to scratch myself when I was getting ready to head out the door for a family Easter lunch and when I did, I felt something HUGE. It felt like one of my normal lumpy lumps my breasts have but it felt MUCH bigger and it was very noticeable, felt like a thick pancake or big piece of rubber. It was located just above my nipple on my left breast. I could literally see it when I would push down on my breast. I FLIPPED out! I wanted to run to my Dr. but my period was due in about 3 weeks so I decided to wait. It wasn't hard, but it was large, firm, felt like a giant rubber ball or something but it was kinda square shaped. Anyway, I waited the 3 weeks, got my period. The 3rd day into my period half of it disappeared but the other half was still there so I decided to see my gynecologist. She did a full exam and said it was a "fibrocystic change" and told me it was nothing to worry about. She said when things like that come up large and out of nowhere to give it at least 3 cycles before worrying. She said usually thing end up going down. Well its now been 3 full cycles since I had it checked and I can still feel something but its way flatter now. I'm still slightly worried about it but not as much as I was. Of course, google terrified me to pieces, I was reading about lobular breast C. I noticed when I push up into my breast it actually dents where this was at. My breasts are two different sizes so I can't really compare them much. My left breast (where the thing I felt was at) is a DD cup while my right breast is about a C cup. I'm only 33 with no family history but still. I so so so so so get what you're going through. I'm sure you'll be fine, especially since you are under 30. :hugs: Feel free to PM me.