View Full Version : Itching. Lyphoma?

14-08-18, 16:12
As some of you may know, I've been having some right-sided neck soreness and tightness and some mild pain there when yawning as well.

Well, I also have been generally itchy for the last 5-6 days at least. Maybe longer. The itching mainly seems to be on both my arms, hands, and feet. I don't notice a lot of itching on my torso.

I'm worried this is because of Lymphoma. Maybe the neck soreness / tightness is related to that, and not to thyroid cancer? It's really depressing me.

I feel like I'm battling so much recently. The neck stuff... I have been having loose stools... and now I have this itching that won't seem to go away. It hasn't been keeping me up at night but is pretty consistent during the day.

14-08-18, 16:16
It's WiseMonkey's fault! :shades: :D

Positive thoughts

14-08-18, 16:28
As some of you may know, I've been having some right-sided neck soreness and tightness and some mild pain there when yawning as well.

Well, I also have been generally itchy for the last 5-6 days at least. Maybe longer. The itching mainly seems to be on both my arms, hands, and feet. I don't notice a lot of itching on my torso.

I'm worried this is because of Lymphoma. Maybe the neck soreness / tightness is related to that, and not to thyroid cancer? It's really depressing me.

I feel like I'm battling so much recently. The neck stuff... I have been having loose stools... and now I have this itching that won't seem to go away. It hasn't been keeping me up at night but is pretty consistent during the day.

Translation: I didn’t get enough attention from my thyroid thread so I’m trying again with a lymphoma thread.

14-08-18, 17:05
As some of you may know, I've been having some right-sided neck soreness and tightness and some mild pain there when yawning as well.

Well, I also have been generally itchy for the last 5-6 days at least. Maybe longer. The itching mainly seems to be on both my arms, hands, and feet. I don't notice a lot of itching on my torso.

I'm worried this is because of Lymphoma. Maybe the neck soreness / tightness is related to that, and not to thyroid cancer? It's really depressing me.

I feel like I'm battling so much recently. The neck stuff... I have been having loose stools... and now I have this itching that won't seem to go away. It hasn't been keeping me up at night but is pretty consistent during the day.

Didn't you just have thyroid cancer 2 days ago? Seems a leap to go from thyroid cancer to lymphoma

14-08-18, 17:14
I still think I may have thyroid cancer. I'm not sure what is going on. I've got several different symptoms going on. The sore / stiff neck is particularly troubling me as well. I am also fearing ALS because of that... colon cancer because of bowel problems, and then possibly lymphoma or thyroid cancer. I'm serious. My life is hell right now.

14-08-18, 17:33
Have you been seeing anyone about the anxiety?

14-08-18, 17:41
I still think I may have thyroid cancer. I'm not sure what is going on. I've got several different symptoms going on. The sore / stiff neck is particularly troubling me as well. I am also fearing ALS because of that... colon cancer because of bowel problems, and then possibly lymphoma or thyroid cancer. I'm serious. My life is hell right now.

So thyroid cancer turned out to be not serious enough for you to prolong the thread?

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

Translation: I didn’t get enough attention from my thyroid thread so I’m trying again with a lymphoma thread.

It certainly looks that way.

Gary A
14-08-18, 17:46
Is there any particular reason why you are completely and utterly obsessed with having cancer? Sore neck? Thyroid cancer. Itchy? Lymphoma. Slightly odd bowel habits? Colon cancer.

Why can’t you just have a sore neck? Why can’t you just be itchy? Why can’t you just have a slightly upset stomach? Why is literally every single “symptom” with you instantly linked to cancer?

And please, don’t give me the “because I’m a hypochondriac” rubbish, because if that were truly the case, if you truly were acknowledging that fact, you’d grow a pair and do something about it.

I have to ask, how do you function on a daily basis if every fart and cough is linked, by you, to some horrific form of cancer? How do you parent your kids? How do you perform a days work? How do you attend to being a husband? Those 3 things take extraordinary time and effort, yet you seem to spend about 85% of your life curled up in a ball feeling sorry for yourself.

How’s about you actually take a look at yourself? How about you realise the affect you surely must be having on the people you profess to love? Or, alternatively, keep up this ridiculous charade of turning up here every couple of weeks demanding that you have cancer and lamenting how terrible it all is for poor you.

I’ve never once witnessed you acknowledging how this affects your wife and kids, not once. Personally, I think you’re either an incredibly self obsessed ignorant little man, or you’re just an out and out pisstaker. Neither is a label you should want to keep.

Grow up, man up, stop this absolute nonsense and get yourself some help. Truly, nobody cares that you think you have cancer. We’ve heard it all before and it has become nothing more than a sick game at this point.

14-08-18, 18:29
I still think I may have thyroid cancer. I'm not sure what is going on. I've got several different symptoms going on. The sore / stiff neck is particularly troubling me as well. I am also fearing ALS because of that... colon cancer because of bowel problems, and then possibly lymphoma or thyroid cancer. I'm serious. My life is hell right now.

Your life is hell because you make it hell. There is no way as a wife and mother I would let your behavior continue. You really are sick, and not in the physical sense.

I am going to echo what Gary has asked...why can you just be itchy or have a neck ache? Why does it always have to be linked to cancer. No cancer has such vaugue symptoms. Grow up, and be a man and husband that your family deserves.

14-08-18, 18:32
Is there any particular reason why you are completely and utterly obsessed with having cancer?


Tbh, I'm still somewhat amused at the utter shock people express when they encounter a serious hypochondriac on the hypochondriac forum. :smile:

Gary A
14-08-18, 18:38

Tbh, I'm still somewhat amused at the utter shock people express when they encounter a serious hypochondriac on the hypochondriac forum. :smile:

Way to not read the entire post. :doh:

It’s not shock at a hypochondriac being on a board designed for hypochondriacs, it’s the exasperation of seeing someone not being man enough to do something about his apparent hypochondria.

14-08-18, 18:45

Tbh, I'm still somewhat amused at the utter shock people express when they encounter a serious hypochondriac on the hypochondriac forum. :smile:
I don't think anyone has ever questioned whether or not you were a hypochondriac, or ridiculed you for being a hypochondriac.

That said, I have never seen (unless we perhaps count this post) a post where you acknowledged anxiety or getting help for your anxiety. I have posted maybe a dozen or so times in your various threads since you arrived here, usually about getting help with your anxiety.

Not a single post I have made has ever been acknowledged in any way by you. Not once.

So I have to echo the sentiment that it has little to do with the hypochondria itself--we all know something about that or we wouldn't be here--but your seeming willful disregard of doing anything about it to make it better.

This place has become a sounding board for you to listen to your own fears echoed back at you, but to what end I cannot even begin to understand.

Get some help, and not medical help, but real, professional mental health counseling.

14-08-18, 18:47
There is literally no way you have that many types of cancer. No way. Impossible. Not gonna happen not now not ever. Have you ever heard of someone with that many types of cancer? No. Because it doesnt happen. Which means you are atleast wrong about most of them. Which shows each time you are ‘convinced’ you are wrong. Therefore you cannot trust your perception, gut, whatever you want to call it, AT ALL. Go to the GP and let them do the diagnosing/lack of. I have lost many people to this disease, when they were stage 4 they were not sat posting essays about their illnesses - they couldn’t, they were dying, exhausted and had more important things to be worrying about. If you were in that position, you wouldnt be here, therefore you arent.

14-08-18, 22:55
The itching is pretty bad this afternoon - it's basically a mild constant itching that is always moving around to different body parts really fast. My hand will itch for a few seconds, then my arm, then my foot, then my shoulder... :weep:

I'm really worried.

14-08-18, 22:57
The itching is pretty bad this afternoon - it's basically a mild constant itching that is always moving around to different body parts really fast. My hand will itch for a few seconds, then my arm, then my foot, then my shoulder... :weep:

I'm really worried.

Curious. Why ask for reassurance, then ignore everyones response?

15-08-18, 00:58
I’m not a troll. I know there is no way I have 4 cancers I’m just sharing where my mind is at.

The itching seems worse tonight.

15-08-18, 01:00
I’m not a troll. I know there is no way I have 4 cancers I’m just sharing where my mind is at.

The itching seems worse tonight.

I am not being facetious but your mind is not on this planet, DS :lac:

15-08-18, 01:03
I know people here probably hate me. I just can’t deny that I’m itching all over.

15-08-18, 01:06
I know people here probably hate me. I just can’t deny that I’m itching all over.

I don't hate you at all. I'm just sorry that you keep coming back with a new "terminal illness" and don't seek help for your mental illness - "hypochondria".

You know the score, DS.

Gary A
15-08-18, 01:11
I’m not a troll. I know there is no way I have 4 cancers I’m just sharing where my mind is at.

The itching seems worse tonight.

Telling people where your mind is at is all well and good, but what’s the point, exactly? What’s the end game?

Clearly this constant sharing in no way assists you, so why do you keep doing it? I find you utterly bizarre, frankly. Almost everyone who is involved in this forum is here because they want support or advice. A helping hand or whatever.

You? You seem to just want to show up here demanding that you have cancer. The only time you reply to anyone’s post is when you’re answering an accusation of trolling.

I dunno. I reckon someone could make a sign saying “GET HELP FOR YOUR ANXIETY DISORDER” in bold black ink and repeatedly smash you over the head with it and when it was over you’d still just say “still itchy, this is it, I’m dying, I’m so depressed.”

Give it a bloody rest man!

15-08-18, 01:28
You? You seem to just want to show up here demanding that you have cancer.

This is a perfect summation of every one of darksides threads

15-08-18, 01:38

Have you ever read other people's threads on here and immediately seen how their anxiety has it all wrong in that they are asking about something they obviously don't have?

You need to learn to apply the same to your own anxiety rather than allow it to control you.

Recently you stopped taking Fluoxetine because of the insomnia side effects. But what from there? Has your GP decided on trying another med?

As for itching, tell me about it! I have funny skin anyway but going on blood pressure meds have seen me have quite some months of itching. But please remember itching is Histamine responding and you can choose to treat a symptom like this, one that is often seen with anxiety anyway, with antihistamines. I had to when the side effects of the BP meds were bad because I was itching all day and all night, sometimes intensely, sometimes I had restless legs in bed due to it all. Itching has so many cross overs that it can be many things and you need to consciously agree this rather than feed your own bias of it being cancer x.

15-08-18, 02:09
One reason I post here is it does give me an outlet for my fears rather than bothering my wife with them.

15-08-18, 02:33
That's not what I asked.

Have you ever read other people's threads on here and immediately seen how their anxiety has it all wrong in that they are asking about something they obviously don't have?

You need to learn to apply the same to your own anxiety rather than allow it to control you.

Recently you stopped taking Fluoxetine because of the insomnia side effects. But what from there? Has your GP decided on trying another med?

What's your next step? Posting here is something you need to think about, it's not just about the reassurance seeking which is damaging to your mental health but also that it's a two way street so perhaps try helping others too because you will find yourself getting more back as well. And it helps to stay out of your tunnel vision as much as possible.

I think your wife should be seeing your threads on here, she needs to be nudging you more & more to your doctors & therapists. It can be easy to avoid taking action, it's the nature of anxiety to want to run or stay in limbo fearing things getting even worse, and I'm as guilty of this as the rest. It's not so easy to avoid when you feel you are letting someone down as it can male you confront your problems more than you would on your own. It's a reason therapy can fail too, you leave the session and don't work at it.

15-08-18, 08:19
Please remember Nic's warning re posting on contentious threads such as this

"and just for the record if I feel that someone is replying to a post just to have a dig or make a sarcastic comment I will start removing those comments and banning that member from the thread."

15-08-18, 19:15

Have you ever read other people's threads on here and immediately seen how their anxiety has it all wrong in that they are asking about something they obviously don't have?

You need to learn to apply the same to your own anxiety rather than allow it to control you.

Recently you stopped taking Fluoxetine because of the insomnia side effects. But what from there? Has your GP decided on trying another med?

As for itching, tell me about it! I have funny skin anyway but going on blood pressure meds have seen me have quite some months of itching. But please remember itching is Histamine responding and you can choose to treat a symptom like this, one that is often seen with anxiety anyway, with antihistamines. I had to when the side effects of the BP meds were bad because I was itching all day and all night, sometimes intensely, sometimes I had restless legs in bed due to it all. Itching has so many cross overs that it can be many things and you need to consciously agree this rather than feed your own bias of it being cancer x.

I noticed you posted to help someone on another thread:


So can you see how their skewed negative thinking is telling them it definitely what they fear?

15-08-18, 21:57
I know. I just can't shake the itching worry. I Google'd some and read stories about people who had Lymphoma and their first symptom was itching. I just don't know what else it could be? I don't have any type of rash at all. My skin looks normal... it just itches all over randomly and it changes where it itches every few seconds, although it mainly seems on my hands or arms... some on my legs.

Ugh, it's so frustrating.

15-08-18, 22:05
I think you’re googling the wrong thing. Do you google “itching worse case scenario”? Or do you google itching all over? Because if you did, you’d note that it’s mostly an allergic reaction or an anxiety reaction, it’ll probably clear up in a few days. You could try taking an antihistamine, or lotion.
If you’re still itching a lot after 2 weeks, go and visit your doctor. Same with all your other symptoms.

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15-08-18, 22:13
I already have been itching for two weeks. Unfortunately it sounds like chronic itching is often associated with malignancy and articles I read encourage doctors to look for cancer-type causes if no skin condition is seen.

I'm so depressed. There is no other explanation for chronic itching at this point. I can't believe it. I plan on calling the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment.

Gary A
15-08-18, 22:32
I already have been itching for two weeks. Unfortunately it sounds like chronic itching is often associated with malignancy and articles I read encourage doctors to look for cancer-type causes if no skin condition is seen.

I'm so depressed. There is no other explanation for chronic itching at this point. I can't believe it. I plan on calling the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment.

In all seriousness, how many times can you say this type of thing? “There’s no other explanation, I’m so depressed...” blah blah blah. It’s like you copy/paste your old threads and just change the type of cancer you simply must have.

Itching can be a sign of many things, regardless of skin appearance. Malignancy is way way down there at the very bottom of the possibilities.

Don’t you find it odd that you’ve literally went from being certain you were dying of thyroid cancer mere days ago and now that seems to have completely taken a back seat to your itchiness? For me it just goes to show that this “OMG I’m certain I’m dying” nonsense is simply for affect. You can’t go from believing you’re at deaths door one day to not even giving it a second thought the next.

15-08-18, 22:34
I get very itchy when it is hot out and thus summer has been a scorcher

16-08-18, 00:17
In all seriousness, how many times can you say this type of thing? “There’s no other explanation, I’m so depressed...” blah blah blah. It’s like you copy/paste your old threads and just change the type of cancer you simply must have.

Itching can be a sign of many things, regardless of skin appearance. Malignancy is way way down there at the very bottom of the possibilities.

Don’t you find it odd that you’ve literally went from being certain you were dying of thyroid cancer mere days ago and now that seems to have completely taken a back seat to your itchiness? For me it just goes to show that this “OMG I’m certain I’m dying” nonsense is simply for affect. You can’t go from believing you’re at deaths door one day to not even giving it a second thought the next.

Maybe the itching is caused by thyroid cancer? I do still fear the thyroid cancer to be honest. My neck is still quite sore - mainly the side and back on the right side. However, the front is still a little sore when I yawn as well.

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:58 ----------

Has anyone else had all over itching that lasted all day for a few weeks with no cause? No allergy or anything?

16-08-18, 00:20
I don't understand why you are not seeing someone about this.

You are ignoring most things people say which is very disrespectful to be honest.

16-08-18, 00:23
Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

16-08-18, 00:42
Why can't your itch just be an itch? Why is it the worst possible scenario and only that?

Because your mind is catastrophizing. You need to seek help for this. Until you can learn to break the catastrophic thought process, you will never escape the endless loop of torment that your mind is feeding to you.. The good news is that you can do this, and your personal hell can end. But you must walk those steps, we can only encourage and support you on that journey.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

16-08-18, 01:28
Because you don’t itch all over your body for no reason.

16-08-18, 02:06
Because you don’t itch all over your body for no reason.As I did with the similar poster, Hypo, I've safely googled so you don't have to. From anxietycentre.com:
(literally the first result from "can anxiety cause itching")

Behaving apprehensively (worrying, fretting, being anxious) causes the body to activate the stress response, which brings about specific physiological, psychological, and emotional changes in the body to enhance the body’s ability to deal with a threat—to either fight with or flee from it. Due to the nature of these changes, the stress response is often referred to as the fight or flight response.

Because stress responses cause such dramatic changes in the body, stress responses stress the body, and especially the nervous system. The nervous system is responsible for sending and receiving sensory information to and from the brain, including sending and receiving sensory information from the nerve endings in the skin...

...When stress responses occur too frequently and/or dramatically, however, the body has a more difficult time recovering, which can result in the body remaining in a semi hyperstimulated state, since stress hormones are stimulants. We call this state stress-response hyperstimulation.

A body that becomes stress-response hyperstimulated can behave in odd and erratic ways. Experiencing itching and burning skin for no apparent reason is an example of how the body’s nervous system and sensory organs can ‘misbehave’ due to being overly stressed (it’s thought that the nerve endings in the skin become over active, and therefore, send incorrect information to brain, such as an itching and burning feeling).

While anxiety and stress caused itching and burning skin sensations may be unusual, they aren’t harmful or an indication of a serious medical problem. It’s just one more way a stress-response hyperstimulated body can produce odd and erratic symptoms.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

16-08-18, 02:17
I already have been itching for two weeks. Unfortunately it sounds like chronic itching is often associated with malignancy and articles I read encourage doctors to look for cancer-type causes if no skin condition is seen.

I'm so depressed. There is no other explanation for chronic itching at this point. I can't believe it. I plan on calling the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment.


I've been itching daily non stop for 6 months! My mum has had itching daily for years and has to put cream on daily and at some periods has had to have medicated bath treatments for it.

Itching being a sign of any malignant because of a couple of weeks is incorrect otherwise I have known quite a few people in my life who have been malignant too.

There are plenty of reasons, but part of your anxiety means you do the usual Minimisation/Maximisation that gives you this tunnel vision. It's to be expected, it's what we are all dealing with in some way or another recovering from anxiety but you have to work at it. Emotional Reasoning is another one you struggle with, you have to learn about your negative thinking to know your enemy.

The alternative is decades of what you are going through now.

---------- Post added at 02:12 ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 ----------

Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

Really sorry to hear yet another loved one of yours has suffered, Nic. :hugs::flowers:

It must feel relentless?

---------- Post added at 02:14 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

As I did with the similar poster, Hypo, I've safely googled so you don't have to. From anxietycentre.com:
(literally the first result from "can anxiety cause itching")

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Yes, something to remember is how Paraesthesia are common with mental health problems.

Now that may sound quite scary but it's actually a category that covers pins & needles, spiders across the skin, etc.

Information has it's place in therapy, just the right type for counter evidence.

---------- Post added at 02:17 ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 ----------

I get very itchy when it is hot out and thus summer has been a scorcher

Yeah, me too. Some years I'll have a couple of weeks of intense itching or heat rashes for no reason at all as the seasons change. My asthma would flare up too.

Which all makes sense as being a Histamine issue hence inflammation, the latter being why asthma is aggravated as that's all about inflammatory response and production of excess mucus.

The amount of people I've spoken to in my life who said stuff about random itching periods, I just couldn't count...

16-08-18, 08:21
Show some respect to the owner of this site and at least acknowledge what she has said to you

Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

16-08-18, 08:47
He won't because it's always "all about him". I'm glad you have challenged him, Elen because this approach shouldn't be acceptable, no matter what mental illness he may or may not have or how tolerant we all should be.

I'm very sorry that you have had these bereavements, Nic and yes, it does make reading threads like this very distasteful for those of us affected by cancer in real life.

16-08-18, 11:15
Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

Sorry for your loss Nic. I too lost my father in law to actual cancer and my aunt has it currently. Threads like this are maddening to family and those dealing with cancer. Darkside needs to be challenged.

16-08-18, 13:01
I feel for you in terms of the mental anguish. You do realize all these symptoms couks very well be anxiety invoked. I had a spell a few years ago where I itched
Incessantly. Then I made the mistake of googling
And the itchiness became severe. This went on until I demanded blood work. You need to try to relax. Go visit your doctor and explain your anxiety and concerns and Them go get some therapy and meds to help you.

16-08-18, 13:09
Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

He won't because it's always "all about him". I'm glad you have challenged him, Elen because this approach shouldn't be acceptable, no matter what mental illness he may or may not have or how tolerant we all should be.

I'm very sorry that you have had these bereavements, Nic and yes, it does make reading threads like this very distasteful for those of us affected by cancer in real life.

I'm truly sorry to hear about that Nic :weep: Cancer is a beast and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

And yes, personally as a survivor, I find threads like this abhorrent :mad: :lac: Especially knowing intimately what battling this illness entails. What gets me the most is the total lack of acknowledgement when facts are presented from doctors, tests and in my case, an actual survivor. It's as if the OPs who are in these patterns of "all about them" actually want to ill so they can say "Told Ya So".

Positive thoughts

16-08-18, 14:51
I feel for you in terms of the mental anguish. You do realize all these symptoms couks very well be anxiety invoked. I had a spell a few years ago where I itched
Incessantly. Then I made the mistake of googling
And the itchiness became severe. This went on until I demanded blood work. You need to try to relax. Go visit your doctor and explain your anxiety and concerns and Them go get some therapy and meds to help you.

Thanks for the response. I’m trying to take my mind off of it. Otherwise I just constantly “monitor” for itching which no doubt can make it worse I’m sure. I really hope it’s not cancer. I feel like I’ve had one struggle after another really. What was your itching like? How long did it last?

16-08-18, 14:58
I'll ask you the same question I asked another member: Do you want to have cancer? I ask because it appears you're trying really hard to convince us and yourself.

As a survivor, I find this inconceivable. How about I post in detail the joys of getting radiation to your head and neck area and the effects of chemo? I know this is a fear but you as well as several others are currently coming off as if you want to have it! I WISH I had ONE of the all clears so many here have gotten from doctors! :lac:

Positive thoughts

16-08-18, 16:57
Show some respect to the owner of this site and at least acknowledge what she has said to you

Originally Posted by nomorepanic
Do you remember I posted on one of your threads about an old friend and neighbour that I grew up with that had leukemia - well he died 2 weeks after I posted that and then my brother-in-laws mum got diagnosed with late stage cancer and she died 2 weeks ago.

It is not fair to keep saying you have cancer when you have not even been diagnosed.

Please stop this and get help NOW.

People get frustrated by those who ignore stuff like this and keep talking about their own situation.

16-08-18, 23:34
Thank you to all those who sent condolences. It shows who cares really.

17-08-18, 01:05
You literally say your done with me on every thread I make yet you come back until every single one of them. Just stop coming to them. Your obsessive behavior of responding to my threads is almost as bizarre as my own behavior. :)

I'm sorry I am so frustrating. I really am, and I do wish I was better. I do plan to look into regular counseling.

My itching wasn't **too** bad today, but definitely present. I think there is definitely a down-tick in itching when I'm not thinking about it too much; however, what worries me is sometimes I am still itching even when my mind is on other things - making me think it is not purely an anxiety symptom but it something indeed sinister going on.

Please, go seek help. I made a screenshot of all your latest started threads. It ranges from every cancer you've diagnosed yourself with to dragging your kids and wife to the doctor for everything Dr. Google told you to diagnose them with. You don't have lymphoma!!!! You have health anxiety. Seek the correct treatment.


18-08-18, 20:30
Ugh. My arms are itching and have a pin prick / burning feeling today. It’s so frustrating. I legitimately believe I have Lymphoma. It itches and feels this way even if I don’t think about it.

---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:03 ----------

My neck is also quite stiff and sore. So depressing :/

---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ----------

My neck pain and stiffness and yawning pain is making me more nervous than the itching at this point. I have no idea what is going on. Some kind of cancer? ALS? MS? Could be anything. So depressed.

18-08-18, 20:37
Did you look at the picture that SetYourMindFree posted in the post just above your last one?

It's very clear what you have, and that thing is not lymphoma, cancer, MS, or ALS. Treat your health anxiety.

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18-08-18, 20:39
My neck is also quite stiff and sore. So depressing :/

you are completely ignoring everyone. So depressing :/

18-08-18, 21:40
If you are going to ignore us, I think we should ignore you.. what's good for the goose...

PLEASE RESPOND TO SetYourMindFree's post and screenshot


19-08-18, 00:05
Yeah, this is a hypochondriac forum. I admit I am a hypochondriac and have feared many diseases before (like many other hypochondriacs have).

19-08-18, 00:08
So get some help then please.

19-08-18, 00:22

Get some help for your cyberchondria

19-08-18, 09:11
Yeah, this is a hypochondriac forum. I admit I am a hypochondriac and have feared many diseases before (like many other hypochondriacs have).This time won't be any different than all the previous times. Your survival rate is 100%. Now the challenge is working towards lessening your fear of diseases. You don't have to live like this!

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19-08-18, 13:07
Maybe darkside is quite comfortable being a hypochondriac though.

19-08-18, 13:25
Maybe darkside is quite comfortable being a hypochondriac though.

Interesting thought...

19-08-18, 16:10
Maybe darkside is quite comfortable being a hypochondriac though.

It is an interesting thought and one that is backed up by hundreds of posts and members. I've equated it meany times to a co-dependent relationship. You know what you're doing (Googling, self examination, self medicating etc.) is bad for you but for some reason, refuse to stop or get help. Is as if you feel you deserve to live this way :weep:

Positive thoughts

19-08-18, 17:49
If you feel you deserve to feel this way would you seek out attention though?

19-08-18, 18:02
It is an interesting thought and one that is backed up by hundreds of posts and members. I've equated it meany times to a co-dependent relationship. You know what you're doing (Googling, self examination, self medicating etc.) is bad for you but for some reason, refuse to stop or get help. Is as if you feel you deserve to live this way :weep:

Positive thoughtsHmm, that's an interesting idea, I think you're on to something. I've actually read this "co-dependent" concept before somewhere in a health anxiety article or book or something, can't place where though. Maybe it's pretty common.

(Thinking about it now I almost wonder if that's my situation in relation to seemingly endless procrastinating!)

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