View Full Version : Not a panic just want opinions please

14-08-18, 18:36

So long story short, I suffer from snoring, apparently really badly and I can vouch for this as sometimes I wake myself up!!

A couple of years ago I mentioned it in passing to the GP who instantly referred me to the hospital as she was concerned about sleep apnea.

The hospital got me to fill in a questionnaire, examined my throat and nose and told me to buy a mouthguard, they didn't do the sleep test that the GP thought they would just assessed me from the questionnaire.

I did buy a mouthguard but found that I kept taking it out in my sleep without realising so had to give up.

Fast forward a couple of years and again my husband is complaining about my snoring. He said it's so bad he can hear me downstairs when I am in bed and he thinks it's got worse He also said I tend to snore really badly until I either get up and go to the toilet or turn over. I also think it's got worse as I wake myself up now and in addition I wake up some mornings with a racing heart, dry mouth, sore throat and fuzzy head.

I spoke to the GP today who basically said "well a couple of years ago the hospital didn't think it was sleep apnea and I don't think things have changed".

I asked to go and see her as I said I'd like it confirmed if it is sleep apnea as I've read it can be dangerous but also even if it's not I'd like to see if there are other options as it's becoming a real problem. I have done all the other things the hospital suggested such as keeping allergies under control, I exercise regularly and whilst I am overweight the doctor knows that this is something I've been struggling with and no matter what I do my weight never seems to change.

Am I being unreasonable wanting confirmation on this? It's not me having a HA panic I just feel if it is OSA then it needs treating and if it's not then there must be other things I can try to help.

Just wondered what others thought.


14-08-18, 18:44
I have the same problem. I have always snored, but now I have a nasal valve collapse and I think that is my cause.

I don't think you are being unreasonable. You have a health issue that is negatively impacting your life and could be a serious problem (sleep apnea). I think it's a good idea to find out the root cause, which could be a number of things.

I am thinking of getting tested myself, but I haven't really taken the steps yet. Probably will hold off just because there are five of us and others in the family have more pressing issues and constant doctors appointments is just too much.

You should talk to your GP though, and get a better/different referral!

14-08-18, 19:24
So, i am a sleep apnea sufferer (8 months with a machine so far); i have pretty strong apnea as well. This part of your quote caught my eye:

racing heart, dry mouth, sore throat and fuzzy head.

(Trigger warning???)

Those are extremely classic signs of apnea, and need to be taken seriously, as it can do damage if untreated. Now, not to say for sure it is apnea, but, if it is:

In untreated apnea, when you stop breathing, your brain basically does an adrenaline dump to try to get you going. This adrenaline rush is what you are feeling with the racing heartbeat when you wake up. The fuzzy head can be from both the lack of sleep (you are constantly jolted awake with every breath pause, so you never have sustained REM or deep sleep states), and from a lack of oxygen (again, you stop breathing during an apnea episode, and 02 saturation will drop over the course of the night). The dry moth and sore throat are actually the same thing - in order to compensate for the choking, you may start mouth breathing, which will rapidly dry your mouth and throat.

Also, let me ask you - do you wake up to use the bathroom one or more times at night, despite not having a lot to drink before going to bed (or using the bathroom first)? If so, that is also your body responding to the adrenaline, and another significant sign of problem.

It is also worth noting a few other things:
- You can very easily have apnea without being overweight. Its true weight can make the problem worse, but it is not the only requirement. Having apnea DOES make it harder to lose weight however..
- Obstructive isn't the only type of apnea, and you need a sleep study to be sure you don't have mixed or central apnea (central is a neuro problem where you stop breathing despite a clear airway.. treated similarly, but a different root cause).

I am sorry to worry you, but as a sufferer, i know how debilitating it is, and how critical it is to treat it. Long term can damage your heart and/or brain, and can be fatal. It is (reasonably) easily treatable with a machine, but that is another road. First, you need to be examined to be sure. Don't stress yet, but don't take it lightly either.

14-08-18, 20:11
Thank you for the replies NervUs and Shadowhawk.

I think I am going to push for a referral. Obviously I don't want Sleep Apnea but by the same token if I do have it then I need to get it treated.

It's strange but over the last few years I've visited the GP about all of these things individually and it's all been put down to, Sinus/Allergy Issues, Acid Reflux or Palpatations. It may be coincidence but as you say Shadowhawk they are all symptoms of Sleep Apnea and coupled with the incredibly loud snoring as well I think it's something I need to get confirmed or ruled out.

In answer to your question yes I do wake to use the toilet, another thing I've been doing for a few years that I'd put down to age.

Some mornings I honestly feel awful, shaky, almost like I've got a hangover, then as the day goes on I tend to feel a bit better. I try to nap at the weekends but it makes no difference!

Thank you for your advice , I will push for a referral and keep you posted.

14-08-18, 20:28
Yes, please do push for a referral.. if you have it, successful treatment will make a world of difference for you. And if you don't have it, at least you can rule out a major question.

Before I started my treatment, I could be getting up to go up to 4 times a night. I tried to drink as little as possible, but it made no difference. Add in other problems, like I was falling asleep mid-day, had a very fuzzy brain, heart racing all the time.. Now, my ex wife confirmed my snoring, but she also did see me stop breathing (but remember, I am a severe case).

I hope you find relief either way. The problems I have no because of it are not fun (but I'll spare that to avoid too much worry)..