View Full Version : Driving...

14-08-18, 22:16
Hi Folks,

This is my first ever post!

I passed my driving test 2 years ago after years of driving perfectly well in lessons, but falling apart and making silly mistakes on the test (on reflection I have always struggled with anxiety...) I didn't do much driving immediately after passing as I didn't really need to, but recently I've found that not having a car was limiting me, so I bought one.

Since buying the car my anxiety has been really bad. I've had some financial problems which make me feel like I never should have bought it, and as my anxiety levels are high I really don't feel like driving. The worst thing is that everyone around me expects me to be driving everywhere instantly now that I have a car, but I'm really not confident. Its a big cycle of anxiety and I feel cross with myself constantly.

I want to drive, and I don't want to be anxious. Its hard for me to differentiate between normal nerves and the very serious and often crippling anxiety that I suffer from. I'm a high achieving person who on the outside is light hearted and fun, so I really struggle with managing other people's expectations of me. Some people perceive me to be flaky.

I have a meeting tomorrow in a nearby town, and if I were a 'normal' person I would drive there, but I don't feel ready.

Can anybody relate to what I'm saying? Any advice would be appreciated.xxx