View Full Version : So Afraid of Blood Clot in Leg

15-08-18, 02:28
I have been sitting here shaking for hours. I called my PA, I think a bad time for him, but did talk to me 10 minutes. I suffer from anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, and depression, also brutal chronic pain...legs, knees, thighs and back, due to a fall I suffered 2 years ago, I never really healed or recovered, it just got worse, spreading from my knee to back and legs, I even get these painful squeezing spasms in my front thighs?! I have a partially torn meniscus from the fall...no operation..Dr. said it would probably not be succesful, because of poor blood flow too region, my age I'm 56 and overweight. So I use my walker and just learn to "live with the pain" Meds tore my stomach up, so I take tylenol when very bad, but it does not really help much, makes me queasy

I did a little extra work yesterday very little) not so much you think it would cause this pain, I am very immobile,the pain stops me from walking alot. I have pain everyday, thats a given, but last night and today was very different, could hardly put weight on leg and it feels a little " numb" I actually did have a blood clot many many years ago, cause of birth control pill, took blood thinner...went off pill...was fine! But I was young and fearless then. I DO remember it was red and hot and swollen ad hurt very badly, not quite as bad this time, no red hotness, but the pain is scaring me so much. I have osteoporosis, my mother died in surgery so I'm terrified of that, and she was much healthier, I miss her so! I starting therapy again, a few weeks ago, I hope it helps this time, in the past it did not. I'm so nervous I'm nauseous, I know thats from nerves.

My husband is very angry, told me "I will call the paramedics, they can take you, call me in five hours to get you??!! I have severe agoraphobia, I could not go alone too hospital, and if they find nothing wrong, my husband will be furious, about huge bill ( our insurance covers hardly anything) He told me to take Alleve and forget about it, which I cannot do, because of stomach issues, I asked my PA if I could take a baby aspirin or a regular one, he said he did not think necessary, but I've read it thins the blood. I just took a low dose klonopin and I praying. I feel so scared and all alone. Before this fall I was walking an hour every night, my dogs, swimming, shopping, cleaning, etc.....now after 5 minutes I can barely walk, tears in eyes from pain. I cannot even swim or take a long hot bubble bath, cant get in and out. I feel like a thief in the night stold my life, I do not even feel like a human being, just a housebound cripple, I cannot even go to dentist for my partial dentures, I look and feel so ugly, my fear is that Im so inactive, blood clots have formed. Im alone and terrified.

I'm sorry too ramble, I guess it all spilled out. Does anyone suffer like this....emotional AND physical pain, barely walk, brutal pain, etc.....Is there any hope? I feel like I'm going to die any day now, and I love my son. I pray to God every nite, if not complete recovery, just partial or minimizing of symptoms. Thank you all for listening very much. Its just too much sometimes.