View Full Version : Low white blood cells

15-08-18, 12:13
Hi I'm new to this forum but have struggled with health anxiety for years, I am off all medication and was doing great until my daughter came home from holiday in Spain and was sick the next day , high temp and fatique but no other symptoms. Went on like this for a few days until we ended up in a&e bloods were taken and they said her white blood cells were low and were putting it down to a viral infection and they would keep her overnight, discharged her the next day after doc seen her and they looked at blood film said they looked ok and to go back in 2 weeks time to do repeat bloods , she had devoloped a rash couple of days after temp had gone and and I went back they said it was a viral rash , a couple of days after that she got cough and runny nose which only lasted a couple of days , she is now better energy is back and no symptoms of anything , I just have myself in a state of upset as I'm worried sick this could be something sinister , she going today for the blood tests and now it's a waiting game , can colds etc emerge after a high temp has gone ?? Anyone any info on this?? Tia

mare serenitatis
15-08-18, 14:15
That’s an entirely normal bodily response to a viral infection. Your white blood cell count lowers. With your white blood cell count being lower, you’re more susceptible to things like colds, sounds like a reasonably normal progression.

Her doctors gave a diagnosis, and you said yourself that your daughter is feeling better- with no symptoms! Win/win. Sinister things don’t come and go, they stay and get progressively worse.

15-08-18, 14:26
Thank you for your reply it's hard to keep a rational head when you have health anxiety and yes she is better and I must focus on that , I'm watching her like a hawk and she has noticed this and I don't want to make her anxious also , she's 12 and doesn't want mammy fussing. I hate when your kids are sick.

mare serenitatis
15-08-18, 17:18
I understand. I have a baby, and I’m currently in therapy to make certain that I don’t pass off my anxiousness as normal behavior to her. Glad your daughter is feeling better!