View Full Version : Terrified of petechiae on thigh

15-08-18, 17:47
Hi there,

Have had a big spike in HA recently. In the last few weeks I’ve been inspecting my body again, feeling incredibly stressed, having heart palpitations and feeling tearful and overwhelmed - all Classic signs my HA is peaking.

I’ve noticed a tiny patch of petachiae on my upper thigh, right at the top. There are probably three little dots in a cluster. Is it common just to get the odd couple of spots? Or is it likely to be a sign of cancer? Ive done nothing to cause the spots - no itching or impact (that I can remember).

I’m currently on holiday and deaperately trying to not let this ruin my trip. I’m obsessively checking it every ten mins to see if it has grown.

Any advice would be really really helpful.

Thank you so much,


15-08-18, 18:39
First off, you don't know for sure that it's petechiae and secondly, three little spots doesn't constitute a cluster.

Advice. Accept the reality that it's not sinister and enjoy your vacation.

Positive thoughts

15-08-18, 21:27
Totally possible it's the result of just landing on your leg funny, jerking it, knocking it against something without remembering, etc. etc.

I went through a petechiae scare and funnily enough I noticed I got them more when I was afraid of them. I still get them from time to time - I had some on my arm after helping my friend move. They're not always sinister, in fact I think they rarely are.

15-08-18, 21:34
Thigh skin is more delicate than many other places, so it is more susceptible to bruises and other marks. Any minor trauma could have caused it (I'm very prone to it after scratching) or it could even be something like mild heat rash. :) Maybe take your mind off it and check on it again in a day? With more space between checks, you'll notice any differences more, give your mind a break, and it'll likely have time to fade and prove itself to be nothing in particular. :)

15-08-18, 21:56
Probably coincidentally after a very long and stressful HA spike I also came out in petechiae on my chest and upper arms and torso. Doctor confirmed it was petechiae. This was a couple of years back and I am still getting new ones very often, they're still not enough to be classed as a problem, if I woke up and my entire arm leg et was absolutely covered in them then yes I think it needs investigation.

I have 7 or 8 on my chest. A few together on both arms and over 20 separate red dots on my torso. More recently the top of my thighs.