View Full Version : why can't I get blood clots out of my mind?

Clydesdale Epona
15-08-18, 19:58
This is more a ramble so I'm sorry, I've had this chest pain and shortness of breath since Friday after I had the cramp pain in my calf, I saw a doctor today who checked me over oxygen, temperature ect who said I look fine and wasn't worried but I still get it out of my mind that I have a blood clot on my lung that is going to kill me soon I had this pain I think when I first went to A and E aweek or so ago it calmed down when I took antibiotics and it's back again, I'm scared I really am and I don't know how to get it out of my mind :weep:

15-08-18, 21:57
What did they give you antibiotics for? Did you finish the course?

Have a think about when you get the pain and the breathlessness, what sort of times of the day, what you’re doing, what you’re not doing.

If the doctor has checked you over, what did they say or suggest?

What would you like to happen? Or are their tests you think should be done?

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Clydesdale Epona
18-08-18, 00:39
They gave me antibiotics for my chest pain they weren't sure if it was a chest infection or not and they mentioned to come back if it got worse as it might be a PE.

Since then I've been thinking I have one. It's been about a week or two since I ended up In A and E I took the tablets and it helped but now I've finished the course the pain came back the day after I had cramp pain in my leg(i thought this was a DVT) and has stayed and gotten worse since.
Chest pain and shortness of breath mostly, she checked me over said it wasn't a chest infection and that was that I really really want an actual test to prove I do or do not have a clot on the lung but can't get a doctors appointment until Monday and now I'm freaking out over whether I'll live that long :(

The pain is always definitely worse when walking or after walking and at night, I do have possible asthma(was given a blue inhaler I use) I'm just not sure what to do I really don't want to go to A and E with this but I'm worried about having the weekend to get through, the pain is radiating to my arm because it now feels sort of like a stitch?

I'm so scared

18-08-18, 00:48
Are you getting any help for your HA?

Clydesdale Epona
18-08-18, 00:53
Sadly no, waiting on an appointment for my yearly 3-4sessions of CBT which should take the edge off for a little while.

It's been worse since I've had to come home I'm on edge having to look after my dad, and I'm stressed because I don't want to be here and I can only imagine it's left me more vulnerable to it?

I'd love to be able to treat it one day I'd want nothing more but I just don't know what to do now :/

18-08-18, 13:50
Try the online CBT programme.