View Full Version : Fellow Twitchers?

16-08-18, 13:37
I'm in my early 30's, and I've been a twitcher for at least 5 years (probably longer), but never cared about it until I googled it 2 years ago. Since then its gotten worse with my worries.

Ive had a twitch on my leg, thigh area near the knee that has been ongoing for days (though it does happen the more I think of it), sometimes it travels around the leg too. I've also had pain off and on in that area, and a numbness feeling there.

Sometimes if i put my hand on my leg, i can feel them inside. This worries me a lot, is this normal?

So im just wondering if anyone has pains and or numbness alongside their twitches? Or twitches that travel along one muscle group? Or ones they feel with their hands but dont see?

16-08-18, 15:16
5 years? People's response shouldn't even matter my friend.

16-08-18, 15:34
Got ya beat, I have been a twitcher almost as long as you have been alive. ;-)

I pay it no heed at this point, never did really. I buzz, twitch, hum and vibrate like an electric generator. I have always known it was anxiety, and accepted it. Probably because it started long before google did, and even before my HA. Never even associated it with anything bad, and still don't.

16-08-18, 15:53
What do you make of the ones that, if i put my hand on my leg I can feel it. Those one worry me. Its like i can feel it, but not see.

16-08-18, 15:55
I don't pay any twitch any heed whatsoever. I say to myself "hey, must be feeling more anxious than I thought today" and finish my coffee or get back to work etc.

16-08-18, 16:29
What do you make of the ones that, if i put my hand on my leg I can feel it. Those one worry me. Its like i can feel it, but not see.

Why should these be different? It is just that the smaller amount of muscle fibers made the twitch, so you were able to feel it (of course) but not to see it. And as soon you have pain and numbness you can pretty much immediately point the finger at anxiety or, in worst case, at some sort of nerve entrapment (which is harmless and easily treated problem) - scary stuff like ALS and MNDs are about failing, not feeling. Your leg can twitch till kingdom come, but as long as you are able to USE IT PROPERLY (which you clearly are), you are home and dry.