View Full Version : weird pressure in head

15-08-07, 19:24
Hi everyone! Does anyone get the feeling that something is pressing down on your brain under your skull?? I get this awful feeling of pressure, sometimes on the temple area, or on the top of my head. It's not a pain, just pressure - so I naturally think a vein or something is about to explode. It's more scary when it happens around my right temple, as I often get sharp pains in that area - not a headache, just pains that last for a few seconds or a bit longer and keep coming and going. I know when I get this pressure feeling, it seems to get worse the more I think about it - but it's hard to ignore. Maybe it's just something loads of people get, but the trouble is, How do we know when something is significant or not? I did see a neurologist recently about muscle twitching, and mentioned I was worried about the sharp pains in my head, but he didn't seem concerned (well, it's not his head, is it?!)
I really want to stop worrying about things so much....I have got better about the skipped heartbeats....maybe I'm just looking for something else to worry about? I never invent these horrible feelings etc, but they do get to me....Hope this makes some sort of sense to someone! :shrug: Or am \I just going crazy?

15-08-07, 19:40
Hi Rose

Alot of people suffer with pressure in the head symptoms due to tension in thier shoulders and neck, maybe a nice hot soak in the bath while relaxing will ease the pressure hun.:)

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page there are some threads about it too.

hope that helps


15-08-07, 20:19
Hi Andrea - you mean I'm not going totally nuts??! Thanks for your reply - it's strange, we all get these odd feelings and feel so completely isolated and worried......and all the time, there are loads of us all feeling the same! It really helps so much to know we're not alone. Common sense tells me it must be anxiety - the way it feels worse the more I think of it, and how it can fade away if i manage to distract myself well enough, but you probably all know common sense doesn't help when you are in the thick of it, or a new symptom suddenly pops up from nowhere! I do worry a lot about the sharp pains though.....why do these symptoms always happen in key areas?! I mean, your brain, your heart...why not just a little twinge in the big toe or something!! Thanks again,

15-08-07, 20:27
ok this is the third time I've tried to add something! Don't know what I'm doing wrong this time! Oh, yes I do - just realised I pressed the wrong button - maybe I AM going nuts after all!
I quite often get the feeling that I'm sort of slightly off-balance - like I'm not walking straight, though I actually am. Not enough to say 'dizzy' but not quite right. What on earth will my mind come up with next?! At least, I hope it's all in my mind!
Hugs to all in need!

15-08-07, 20:49
i got my first tension headache about 6 weeks ago and it lasted almost 3 weeks. it didn't hurt that much, but just felt like something crushing my head. i was terrified i had a brain tumour so went to the doctor who told me it was really common and not dangerous because it wasn't stopping me from doing anything and got worse when i thought about it. she also said that because it's tension in your muscles, it won't go away until you manage to stop worrying about it and relax, so thinking about it all the time will just make the symptoms worse. so try and think that tension in the head and shoulders affects everyone at some point and stress and anxiety is often the main cause of it. mine didn't go until i came ot terms with it just being a headache and i still get weird feelings in my head from time to time but i find that distracting myself or doing some gentle exercise makes it much better. hope this helps! sally x

15-08-07, 23:12
Hi Rosekay

I also get a lot of pressure in my head - it sometimes feels tingly and sometimes like you have a really tight hat on (I always think it is one of those tight swimming hats). I also get quite a lot of tension or shooting pains at the bottom of my neck. My doctor says it is nothing to worry about and my CBT counsellor says it is quite common for people suffering anxiety or panic attacks. She tells me to think of it as just the adrenaline rushing round in my head - this does help!

geordie flower
16-08-07, 08:18
Hiya, I too get "weird" feelings in my head i find them hard to describe, it never causes me any pain just feels weird! I dont get it constantly prob about once a week if that. I often feel off balance and dizzy too and wen im walking it sometimes feels the ground is coming up to meet me!. The feelings in my head are like my head just feels too full and its about to explode - see i told you it was hard to describe lol Ive now accepted it as part of my anxiety, it took a while tho! hope this helps take care tracey :) x

16-08-07, 08:35
Hello You have described exactly the tension headaches I suffer from. My doctor said that beacuse my neck and shoulders are tense it means my head is tense and feels heavy. She suggested putting a wet towel around my neck to relieve the tension from my neck, that seems to help. i have been also having indian head massages and that also seems to be helping. Its not a nice feeling but it we have to keep telling ourselves it is only anxiety and it won't hurt us. Easier said than done I know!
Hope you feel better soon :)

16-08-07, 11:10
hey ya'll!!

yep yep, i get this too and its prolly the only thing that worries me.

thank god this topic was raised, i feel awesome, and so should you guys!!

i can totally relate to the pain in the neck - feels like its on fire!!

and the dodgy not-so-dizzy feeling, i sometimes find myself having to steady myself

i also get like muscle tension in my right shoulder and my left shoulder joint like i've been playing tennis all day!!

it just shows that even though we dont think it, we are all in the same boat, and we aint dead are we...?!!!

have a good day dudes!!

16-08-07, 12:14
:) Hi RoseKay :)

I too get similar headaches, or "brain bulges" as I call them (!) For me it feels like there is a balloon inflating between my brain & my skull, causing intense pressure. Bit of a weird remedy but I find that the best thing to get rid of it is to sort of 'squash' a pillow around the top & sides of my head + kind of massage it through the pillow! (Even if it doesn't work for yours, it should at least give you a laugh I suppose!)

Has anyone else gone through a stage when you first aknowledged you were suffering from anxiety where you start to dismiss every health worry you have? I did, cos I started to mistrust all my thoughts thinking thats what my problem was. It happened with the brain bulges and I felt almost righteous for not getting in a state about it, like "Ha! That showed you anxiety - trying to ruin my life by making me worry about an imaginary brain tumour - Well not this time!"

And then it happened again.

"Oh my god! I knew it! I'm dying! Why didn't I listen to myself?! I should have gone to the doctor straight away!" Then I'm writing goodbye notes to my friends, listing out all my financial details so my family can tie up all my loose ends after I'm gone....... All before seeking medical advice.


What I'm basically saying is; sometimes its not such a bad idea to get something checked out if its really bothering you, rather than stewing about it for weeks on end. The truth won't change whether you find it out or not.
Take care, hope the pain subsides soon (try the pillow technique!!!)

16-08-07, 14:51
I am so grateful for all the supportive messages from you all - it helps so much to know other people get these weird feelings too :yesyes: - it's not just me! I know I panic and I am really trying hard to keep calm about things. It's strange, I don't feel constantly stressed or worried, but maybe it's such a constant in my life I don't actually realise I'm worrying....
I can see I will be re-reading these replies whenever I get 'the feeling' just to keep me on (hopefully) the right side of sane!
Thanks again to everyone - this site is wonderful!

18-08-07, 14:01
I have a burning pain on the top of my head last few days - like I've been sun burnt except I haven't.

Also have loads of headache pains all round my head. As always with these health anxiety things it's all I can think of.

I feel really worried about it today, I want not to worry but the thought that this is something serious and unrelated to usual worries won't leave my (already pained) head.

I have a cold too dunno if they're related. I'm scared but trying not to be - head pain is scary though.