View Full Version : Kidney infection and choice

17-08-18, 18:13
So, after having pain and blood in my urine. I went to urgent doctor as my gp is in holidays and isn't opened till Tuesday.

For the first time I wasn't freaking out when I went into the appoiment or feeling like I was going to start blawing crying in front of him. He did a few tests, told me I likely have a kidney infection. Gave me some tablets to take and told me to go back to my own gp for tests if it doesn't go away. I walked out of their believing him. That he was just covering his own ass by telling me to go back to my own doctor and I had just been to the hoistpal for scans on my kidneys back in March so it's was all fine.

I took my firsr few tablets without any worry. Yet as time went on I started to feel worse, my legs and arms felt strangly heavy whenever I sat down or lay down. Areas such as my pelvis and other areas I didn't expect to hurt. Hurt. I didn't have x, y or z issues I thought I have or only started to happen after I'd seen the doctor. Yet... I manged not to Google! Or search for awsners. It's is what it is. A infection. It's going to take a toll in different ways, I'll take the tablets and they'll be finished and I'll carry on with my life!

Like some stuff could be explain and not connected at all! Like the weak feeling could be from going swimming for the first time in ages and really going hard for it or maybe it's just some exhaustion from the infection... The point is it's not all horrible horrible stuff all the time!

So I've decided to leave this account, as I'll be able--hopefully to carry myself on my own two feet. Not worrying all the time or needing people to tell me I'll be okay it's not anything SINSTER as my mind would scream at me. Because it isn't. Not this time! I'll be just fine and if it doesn't pass this time maybe I'll just need another few tablets but it's fine.

17-08-18, 20:19
Good luck! You’ve done brilliantly. You should give the rest of us lessons! Hope you’re feeling better soon x

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17-08-18, 23:23
@Scass, thank you so much for the reply! I'm still learning hut hopefully going the right way! And thank you a million times over for replying

It's nice being able to calm myself. Like,

Stomach acting up again: I'm on antibiotics so it's probably just upsetting me...god knows everything goes! (As well as some icky burps)

My legs and arms feeling very weak and swore: Mixture of infection and I went swimming for the first time in awhile so the muscles might be stiff and stuff!

Lower back? Pelvis? Other pains: Probably just the infection and I'm over thinking it all.

And it good news! I haven't (TMI) Haven't had any blood mixed into my urine since! I'm going more often then I normally would still and a lot of pains to deal with- but I've got another few days of tablets!

I'm trying to stay positive, not slipping into any looking for answers. I did have a CT of my kidneys back in March. My bloods have been good. So this to shall pass! (Lets hope I can keep up the good thought process!)

18-08-18, 17:05
That's definitely a healthy way of looking at things, and something that many of us could learn from (I know I could!) By the way, I know exactly what you mean about an upset stomach from antibiotics, and I found that probiotic yoghurt helped a lot. I'm not sure if it was the yoghurt actually replacing the good bacteria in my stomach, a placebo effect, or just eating something as gentle on my stomach as yoghurt that helped, but either way it worked for me, so I thought I'd recommend it. :)

18-08-18, 17:25
@Tantopat Thank you so much for the advice! That's actually really interesting and I'll defo go down to the shops and get some before I take my next tablet! :)

Today been a bit rough! I've had some very bad lower back pain and leg pain but I put some cream on carried on! I'm trying to find the right mix of self care and carrying on!

23-08-18, 16:13
You're doing great! Congrats!

Hope you feel better soon. My friend has had multiple kidney/bladder infections recently due to the birth control she is on (and will be stopping). They sound just awful.

26-08-18, 22:39
@Poppy Thank you for the reply! Yeah they can be nasty things. Mine has finally cleared up! Thankful. Hopefully it stays away for now and a long time to come!

A lot of the areas in pain have started to clear up! I still get some pains but nothing that like stops me from carrying on with me day!

The only thing that's still at me...is I keep getting that strange feeling in my right ear/jaw area I've talked about before. Like it feels like..swore. Kinda full? Like it's actually like the inner...but like in the shell of the ear it's self.. like the bone and soft areas on the outside. It's hard to explain. This has been going on forever now and I wish it would just pass. It can get a little overwhelming it's still there! I feel like I've brought it up to the doctor and they've like looked into my ear and like felt my jaw (as it can feel worse when I move my jaw) as I opened my mouth Shrugging it off. Yet I feel like it's changing all the time! Sometimes it feels worst with headphones on sometimes better. Like the inside of the ear can be kinda..itchy and swore as well. The jaw of coruse hurts as well....ugh I'm going my best to just carry on and not think of it anything being to awful! Like my bloods have come back okay. It's been going on for ages now. A good few months at least. Like that does make me slightly worried but doing my best to move along!