View Full Version : Introduction

18-08-18, 03:06
Greetings all, and welcome to my introduction.

My name is Aaron, and for about two months now I have had a variety of problems that sends me into a panic. Now, I understand that two months is not a long time by any standard, but for someone who was generally healthy it feels like forever.

So the history of this is that I used to be a HEAVY caffeine drinker. Like, almost 1 gram of caffeine a day kind of heavy. Each drink had roughly 350 grams of caffeine in it. But, silly ol' me decided to drink 4 of these bad boys in a day, which is where this rollercoaster of problems has started. I had what could be described as a "caffeine overdose", complete with sweats, pounding chest, shallow breathing, and all around panic that whole night. But after that I have all but sworn off the stuff, drinking the occasional tea+lemonade monster when I am feeling low on energy.

Ever since that day, I have had this pulsating feeling throughout my body, and I can ALMOST guarantee that it is my actual pulse, because when I check my wrist, the timing is almost the exact same. I have these moments where I start shaking really bad, which causes me to panic more. And I hurt across my upper back, shoulders, neck, biceps, and across my lower ribs from one side to the other. The most recent thing that has developed is that I have started to get headaches. Any and all of these things send me into a frenzy, and it has really started effecting things like work and my relationship.

I have had two EKGs, a holter monitor, upper endoscopy (I have something that is causing me to belch frequently), full abdominal ultrasound, and have gone to the doctors 16 times in the last 8-ish months, and everyone of those things have come up that there's nothing wrong with me. I have been put on metoprolol and an anxiety medication, both of which seem to not help what I have going on.

I am 23 years old, I know that I shouldn't feel like this, and I am scared that there is something wrong with me that just hasn't been found yet.

I just want to feel normal again.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day.

18-08-18, 03:11
Hiya AaroNautilus and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-08-18, 17:56
To be honest it sounds like you are going through 'withdrawal' symptoms.
If you had loads of caffeine and then stopped then it can have the same effect as someone who was on drugs and then stopped.

20-08-18, 01:34
To be honest it sounds like you are going through 'withdrawal' symptoms.
If you had loads of caffeine and then stopped then it can have the same effect as someone who was on drugs and then stopped.

Thank you for a reply,

My issue with me thinking that it is withdrawal symptoms is because of the length of time. I have mentioned this to two doctors, and even suggested that what I am experiencing is withdrawal symptoms, but both times they said that it has been too long just to be that. As I said in the post, it has been over two months since this started, and to me that seems like a long time for the body to get over something like caffeine, even in large amounts, but then again I am no expert on addiction or withdrawals so I do not know.

Thanks again for the reply,
