View Full Version : Cannot find right medication for anxiety .Tried lots no success

18-08-18, 09:00
I have tried the following...

Amiltriptyline - makes me sleepy and relaxes muscles helps get to sleep at night. But no use in the day or at work as it makes me depressed and feel hungover. Leaves a slight hangover each morning. med score 4 /10

Various SSRI I tried all make me more stimulated and cannot sleep, and make me more anxious score 2/10

Tricyclic anti depressants venlafaxine is goodish in small doses , but ultimately keeps me awake at night and this leads to anxiety next day. score = 5/10

diazepam works very well , but doctor wont give it to me - score 10/10

I have been battling with this for 10 years , can anyone suggest a med which is worth trying. Something to help sleep and stop racing thoughts and mild enough to use at work where I am a test engineer. thanks

18-08-18, 12:22
Maybe it's time to try a different treatment that isn't reliant on medication.

Diazepam should be avoided anyway as it's potentially very addictive and it's easy to become tolerant to it.

21-08-18, 13:03
Mirtazipine would certainly help with the sleep problems. Have you tried that one? Or good old beta blockers? can be taken in a slow release capsule.

24-08-18, 08:28
I don’t get on with ssri’s, they have a horrible effect on me that I’m really not prepared to battle through to see if they get better, diazepam does nothing for me except send me to sleep! The best thing I’ve tried and still use is a low dose of beta blocker 3 times a day. It doesn’t help with controlling your thoughts but it’s great with reducing the adrenaline and heart racing side of things, which in turn helps keep me calmer. Cbt is another option, I start next week, so while I can’t say whether it works or not, I’m looking forward to being able to talk through everything with someone who won’t think I’m crazy!