View Full Version : Help me please

18-08-18, 12:36
I am Stu, 54 years old from the UK. I have searched the internet for hundreds of hours and keep seeing my doctor but never got anywhere finding what is happening to me. When I walk the dog, sit in front of my wife and son (not daughter), go to a supermarket and drive the car I start terrible mouth popping noises, blinking right eye, clicking jaw to the right, and a combination of all over and over again. This is important - IF I FORGET ABOUT IT it stops and the longer I forget the more it stops but if driving somewhere and I suddenly remember it starts again and can be so bad I am surprised I haven't had a serious road accident (when driving).

I take citralapram for depression and anxiety and have tried 4 different other drugs, the most recent being Levetiracetam at 500 mg morning and night and it doesn't stop the problem.
When I was 7 I used to blink a lot. In my 20s I shoulder shrugged esp when driving and couldn’t sit still. In 2013 I started the current combination in my face for no apparent reason.
At the moment it’s crippling esp when out. Being tall people look at me for a start but doing this its very noticeable.
The neurologist said it wasn’t tourettes or another neurological condition and suggested the other drugs (other than citralapram which reduce seizures not that I have ever had that).
Tonight I kept the twitching up for an hour I was so stressed. Thinking about it makes it worse and then if distracted and I forget it can stop OR go for days.

Please tell me what I have and HOW TO STOP IT. I am really desperate.


18-08-18, 12:47
Hiya stu8383 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-08-18, 17:53
It doesn't really sound like you have anything wrong in terms of a diagnosis or it having a name.
You say it mainly happens when you think about it and it gets worse when you do that, so really its just a 'you think you do it thing' and then you think something is wrong.
Have you had any therapy to help you stop it and relax?

18-08-18, 19:29
Stu I am also from the UK I don't have your symptoms but always happy to chat try buzz50 you will get support there if only on a social level though