View Full Version : Left rib below breast, larger & possibly swollen :(

18-08-18, 14:31
I’ve been having a really rough month. I’ve been going through bouts of stomach issues and lower left pain (which is probably related to pain I usually get in my ovary or IBS). Anyways I’m become fixated on something. A few years ago, I noticed that the rib (?) under my left breast stuck out and looked larger. I attributed that I gained a little weight so maybe it was a fat roll that caused me to notice? I’m about 125 pounds/5’3 and 28 years old.

Never really thought about it until I had a bout of some intentional infection about 8 months ago and I guess it felt like the bloating was pushing on that rib, so I noticed it. I went to the hospital and they said it was probably just an intestinal infection (WBC were just slightly elevated, everything was fine). I showed him my rib area and he did that thing where he pushed under the rib to feel. Seemed like he was feeling for my spleen? (Got CBC six months later as part of my usual thyroid test and WBC was back to normal.)

Anyways he said it wasn’t anything but now I’m second guessing if he was just feeling my spleen and not for lumps. Which leads me to now, where my bloating has caused me to start feeling my rib, and I can tell if it’s lumpy or it’s just more noticeable since it’s bigger in general? If I’m lying down, I can describe it as a roll of fat/skin only one one side, and I can’t tell if the difference in the larger bone/lump is normal because it’s different from my right.

Sorry for rambling. I just am so nauseous over the fact that maybe it’s been a tumor or swollen node (not sure if those are there) and I can’t get any sleep. I’m supposed to be having a relaxing weekend with my family and this seems to have ruined it for everyone. I just am so upset over it. Any ideas/thoughts of reassurance would be so helpful.:weep:

18-08-18, 16:30
The reason for the bloating and stomach issues have been diagnosed so you know exactly why you're feeling this way.

Frankly, you're obsessively self-examining and hyper focusing over normal bodily anomalies and asymmetry and making something out of nothing :shrug:

Positive thoughts