View Full Version : Bruised mosquito bite

19-08-18, 05:47
Last week I went to yoga in the park and I got a couple mosquito bites. One of them turned the usual pink color and it’s about as big as a pea. It’s already going away and didn’t cause much itching at all. The other one is right behind my knee and it still itches, and itched pretty badly a few days ago, so I scratched it. Today when I woke up I had a round bruise, about the size of a quarter. It’s purple and red, looks nasty. The bite isn’t oozing or anything. It’s just bruised and is still kinda itchy.

Should I go to an urgent care tomorrow about it? Is it normal for these bites to bruise? I can’t say for positive that it was a mosquito, but it looked like a mosquito bite. I live in a state that’s too cold and dry for most other biting insects that you might think of (ticks that carry Lyme, brown recluse spiders, etc). People joke that our state bird is the mosquito, and having grown up here I’m pretty certain that’s what it is. They love me. I’ve had bites in the past that have done this....and I don’t get why some mosquito bites are barely noticeable while others bruise and just get gigantic. Any thoughts on any of this?

19-08-18, 22:24
I had a huge panic attack over a mosquito bite last week . It was swollen , red ,hard and warm. I convinced myself that I had a blood clot . Urgent care said it was just a mosquito bite and nothing to worry about . They told me to watch for red streaks down my arm and warm to touch , and that could mean an infection. You might have just bruised the area from scratching .

---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 15:23 ----------

I forgot to add I have some mosquito bites that don’t bother me at all and then other ones swell like crazy. No idea why this happens .

19-08-18, 23:43
I think if it gets hot, and the redness around it spreads larger than 10cm, then you need to get it seen. But of course, if you are worried - show a pharmacist.

In the meantime take an antihistamine, put antihistamine or antiseptic cream on a few times a day. Try not to itch. I find tiger balm really helps to stop the itching, as does an antihistamine tablet, but you can generally only take one of them a day.

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