View Full Version : seeing what looks like a black blotch

19-08-18, 12:35
so ive had aniexty for a while and have obsessed about my vison i went to the eye doctor about 2 weeks ago and she said that your just hyperfocused on your vision and notice every little anomaly but now im seeing what looks like what would you see when you look at the sun and get those black blotches its not all the time im seeing manley whenever im looking at something bright and then looking away quickly but this is giving me a bunch of aniexty bc i think somethings wrong btw the eye doctor said that my eyes are fine and healthy if they are then what is going on is it just my aniexty or mental i have heard that aniexty can do werid things to your body including vison i need help...

19-08-18, 13:06
Have you seen an Opthamologist? Have you had a dilated eye exam?

If you just went to a regular eye dr, it would be worth your time to make an appointment with an Opthamologist. They are very, very thorough, you'll have peace of mind over the health of your eyes.

19-08-18, 14:47
yes they did a dilatied eye exam and a thing called a optimap {takes a pic of the full eye} and they said everything is fine tho on my eye lens there is a cloudy part but its very tiny it just looked bigger bc it somehow picked it up its in both eyes

19-08-18, 19:15
Please tell me why that is not enough reassurance for you?

20-08-18, 13:52
I am partially sighted with severe eye problems so have a lifetime of knowing what eyes do and don't do!

If you had dilated eye test then anything wrong would def have been seen at the time. They don't miss anything and you had the added reassurance of the scan as well. So there is nothing wrong with your eyes. this does not mean you are not seeing what you are seeing because you are but the cause if totally innocent.
I am severely short sighted amongst other things and can see everything that goes on in my eyes which is good for diagnosis as I can tell straight away if I have had a retinal bleed for example but down side is I notice eveyrthing as well.
Few weeks ago in the prolonged hot weather we were having I noticed when I opened my eyes in the morning in the half light I could see for a second 2 big black blobs in my left eye and everytime I went into a brighter light I could see little pin pricks of flashing lights in same eye.
Obviously with my eye problems and huge risk of retinal detachment I have to be proactive so saw my retinal specialist who is top man and after exam he said all was fine but in hot weather and change of light levels there can be a chemical change in the eye which does not increase the eye pressures but it can cause the symptoms I had. Fine I was totally reassured and a week later when the temperature cooled down and it was cloudy rather than bright sunlight its all gone. Example of totally benign eye symptom that was genuinly there but not harmful.

21-08-18, 23:07
Allright can obessive worry
Cause the symptoms to happen more often bc it's gotten so bad it's daily all day thought of what heck this is it seems I can kinda control it too when the worry is so bad idk I'm.jusr still concerned

11-08-19, 23:06
Seems this eye floater aniexty is catching up again I went to the eye doctor last year and they basically said it's normal everyone has eye floaters and I'm trying to use that to combat my aniexty over it but it feels like I need more support can you guys help me and give me some facts that there normal and support

11-08-19, 23:18

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