View Full Version : Worried about house and cracks

19-08-18, 19:26
Hi all. Feel so silly posting this but wondering if any e else gets anxiety about their house. In particular wall cracks. Even though the rational part of me knows that all houses have cracks and most are harmless. I still get anxiety attacks when I see them. Even if it’s not my house. Any cracks I see make me worry that they could happen to my home too.

I think it probably comes back to a fear of loss or money worries. If we had structural problems I could t afford to repay them. We are already in so much debt. Sorry for rambling. Thanks for reading x

20-08-18, 00:53
I can so relate and you are not being silly.

For seven years, I lived in a Victorian property and there were a few cracks in the walls and I think other areas. When I asked the Letting Agent about it, I was told it was the plaster expanding. I was still anxious and not convinced.

It is normal to feel anxious when you are unsure about something. Sending you positive thoughts.

20-08-18, 02:14
Thank you for your kind reply.

20-08-18, 07:56
Yes, this is me too. When my anxiety was bad, I was constantly monitoring cracks in the walls. I’d be checking outside to see if they went all the way through, I’d measure them and always be re-checking.

It’s not only cracks. Marks on the ceiling cause me anguish. Looking for slow leaks. Funny noises from the water tanks, are they going to explode. Thinking I heard a tile falling off the roof. It goes on.

With my anxiety under control now, I’m much more sensible, but can totally relate.

20-08-18, 12:03
Thanks sleepy for your reply. It’s good to hear that others do the same. I’m glad you have it under control now. Hopefully I can get there soon also. I’m driving my poor husband bananas. He’s suggested getting a surveyor out to put my mind at ease but I’d be more worried he would confirm my fears.