View Full Version : Pulse in corner of eye socket

19-08-18, 22:11

I’m wondering if anyone can help me as my health anxiety is through the roof because of this thing I’ve noticed recently. When looking at my eye closely the other day I noticed a very visible pulse, just next to the bridge of my nose in the corner of my eye socket. Of course, I googled it and all I could find was that a prominent pulse there indicates blocked arteries in the neck! Stroke is my big fear because of past symptoms and I can’t find anything to say that this can be normal, to see a visible pulse here. The artery there is called the angular artery and is joined to the main neck artery. I can’t see a reason why else it would be visibly pulsing other than something serious.
Has anyone else experienced this/have an idea of what else it could be?
The first doctors appointment my surgery can give me is 4 weeks away!

19-08-18, 22:18
It's normal. It's one of the main places I can always feel my pulse

Stop googling. Road to madness.

19-08-18, 22:27
Thank you for replying! Can you actually see your pulse there though? I can visibly see it clearly and that’s what freaked me out.

19-08-18, 22:50
I've never looked, but it's also completely normal to see your pulse at various points on your body.

The more people you ask, the more people you'll find that can't see it there, then what?

Some can, some can't.

28-08-18, 19:52
I’ve recebtly noticed that I can see my pulse in the corner of my eye socket at the top of the bridge of my nose. I’ve been to the doctor and he said he doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about, but I read online that it can be a sign of a blockage or anyeurysm in the neck arteries and I can’t stop worrying. It’s very visible and looks like it’s oumping hard. My blood pressure is fine, on the low side of normal even. Everyone I’ve talked to say they can’t see a pulse there on themselves so I don’t know why mine is so visible. The doctor didn’t give me any explanation. Has anyone ever seen their pulse there? Would really help me to relax if someone else can see this!

28-08-18, 20:35
You got a few replies on your previous post (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=223218) about this :winks:

Positive thoughts

28-08-18, 21:00

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