View Full Version : feeling extremely drowsy and fatigued

20-08-18, 00:54
After a big health anxiety episode brought on by a brain tumor I've been having a host of symptoms and im wondering if they can be cause by stress/anxiety. Ive been really weak, my whole body, including my brain, been reading things wrong, in wrong order, thinking words in the wrong order, just overall jumbled thoughts, confusion, disorientation and cognitive dullness. been irritable and not feeling as sharp in general, just out of it. Have had soreness all over body when applyoling pressure, guessing its muscular. Also had this weakness which I thought was low blood sugar at first cause I feel a need to eat but checked my blood suagr twice and it was fine both times and didn't improve with eating. I also get this extreme tiredness regardless of sleep, my eyelids get super heavy and I almost feel buzzed. Also have been shakey for the past few weeks along with these symptoms. I also feel confused about my limbs and my hands and my body, hard to describe but subtle, just feel a little awkward along with the weakness. Have alod had my neck cracking. And sometimes get a sort of feeling of malaise. Some days I feel alot better than others. But the tiredness and "brain fog" is almost daily. Also have a hard node in the front of my neck and one in the back, not sure if its related but think I may have a sinus infection, which my doctor brushed off, barely even looked at me. Said I had hardened wax but the only place he looked was in my ear. Anyways I'm now scared something is seriously wrong, I just don't feel like myself, my. doctor just kind of brushed me off and told me he was more concerned about my anxiety, which I am no stranger to, diagnosed myself with everything in the book at one point or another. Guess I'm just wondering of anyone has felt this before off and on, without any panic attack or intense anxiety. I really want to go back to counseling as in concerned about my mental state, having fears of psychosis and general mental health and physical health, its a nightmare, feels like the end of the world. but my mom for whatever reason doesn't think I should. Also im17 if that helps or means anything. Thanks.

22-08-18, 08:44
Yeah this is pretty much how I’ve been feeling it’s your body going into protection mode from the anxiety despite you feeling like it not anxious it’s like ur body numbs you for it x