View Full Version : Leg infection and sepsis paranoia!

20-08-18, 11:46
Morning, all.

So last Thursday I found a little splinter in my leg, pulled it out and went to work. When I got home it was really sore, angry and red. Friday evening I went to the drop in clinic and they prescribed antibiotics. It has improved some but flares up after standing on it all day. Today I went to my GP and he's upped my antibiotics (first time I've ever had to take them!)

Now I'm home after being told to watch for sepsis symptoms and I'm freaking out a little!

The injury area itself is pretty small, just over a 50p size maybe with pale redness around it. No weeping or actual open wound site as far as I can.

I just feel weird and spaced out, slightly too warm (temp is 36.9-37c ish) doesn't help that I'm home alone, and paranoid I'm going to end up with sepsis or something similar.

Any advice much appreciated!

20-08-18, 13:49
That sounds sore!

Your temp is fine. Mine is normally about that. Anything over 37.5 is considered a fever.

You could try taking paracetamol if you’re allowed to?

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