View Full Version : Lung cancer fear

20-08-18, 12:40
I'm waiting for investigations into why I keep having palpitations. I had an ECG which was fine. I'm going to have a 24hr heart monitor in a couple of weeks and I'm scared that I have atrial fibrillation, especially as now I have found out that it can be linked with lung cancer, and I did used to smoke until 15 years ago. I am slightly out of breath when my heart is pounding but not at other times and I don't have a cough or pain or weight loss. Just scared. I had a chest x-ray in may for something unconnected and that was clear.

20-08-18, 13:45
Just to reassure you after your chest x ray. A close never smoked friend of mine went for routine chest x ray after she fell and hurt her rib. She was very fit and slim. the chest x ray immediately showed up a suspicious nodule on her lung which was very small. This was lung cancer so even a standard chests x ray will show up even a small lung cancer so if you had the all clear in May then you have the all clear!

Palpitations will make you feel breathless as will ectopic missed heartbeats. Perfectly normal. The 24 hr ecg will give you peace of mind as well.

20-08-18, 13:59
Thank you I feel better after hearing that. I was having a panic-filled morning.