View Full Version : HIV needle fear

20-08-18, 15:59
HI all,

I wasn't able to sleep at all last night. I went out with my wife, parked our car and got out of the drivers seat. As I turned around to walk, I saw what looks like a needle on the parking lot ground. There is a picture there. I called my wife over, and she looked at it and said yeah that is a syringe. I am freaking out that I may have stepped on it, or it somehow punctured me. The only thing holding me together is that the needle is way up near the driver's wheel, and I don't remember walking there.

I am so scared this thing has come in contact with my skin. If you look at the picture, my car is on the right, and my drivers door is maybe 4-5 feet away from it, and I really doubt I would step on a needle due to my fear of HIV and this stuff.
Any advice?

20-08-18, 16:03
You would know if you had been jabbed with a needle unless it only touched your shoe - in which case no harm done anyway.

21-08-18, 14:57


I was also thinking this morning that I don't even know where the "needle" would have hurt me. Like did I step on it with my right foot, or left foot?

If I did truly step on it, I would definitely know where and with what part of my body touched it right???

21-08-18, 15:09


I was also thinking this morning that I don't even know where the "needle" would have hurt me. Like did I step on it with my right foot, or left foot?

If I did truly step on it, I would definitely know where and with what part of my body touched it right???

So, some food for thought:
Between 1985-2013, there was only ONE reported case where a health worker acquired HIV through a needle stick, and he was a lab worker working on a live virus:

An NIH study in 2008 of 200+ children with a confirmed needlestick showed non receiving HIV (or Hep):

Sleep easy, this is not a concern at all. Had you actually been stuck, you would have noted it (aside from the pain, the shoes rubber would likely stop the needle before it could even harm).

21-08-18, 16:22


I was also thinking this morning that I don't even know where the "needle" would have hurt me. Like did I step on it with my right foot, or left foot?

If I did truly step on it, I would definitely know where and with what part of my body touched it right???

why would think this ?

and why does the needle have to be used by someone that is hiv positive :shrug:

And its not as though it was right next to your car were you could not of missed stepping on it.

l would say stop overthinking you would of known about it xx

Best wishes

23-08-18, 15:23
Thanks everyone!
I think just because I actually saw it up near the front wheel I got freaked out. My wife has been good with me talking about how I just had no reason to walk up to the fence, and only stepped out of the drivers seat to where that yellow leaf is. I do believe that, but still have doubts sometimes. My wife gave me the scenario that if I did step on it, I would have rushed myself to the hospital right away, and not finished our errands. Also, if the doctor asked me to show him where the needle punctured me, I would not be able to do that.

23-08-18, 15:25
My wife gave me the scenario that if I did step on it, I would have rushed myself to the hospital right away, and not finished our errands. Also, if the doctor asked me to show him where the needle punctured me, I would not be able to do that.

Good job on using reality to help dispel your fears.

Positive thoughts