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View Full Version : In desperate need of HELP!

21-08-18, 19:57
Hello All,

This is my first time posting in a long time, but I have been REALLY struggling the last 3 months. I have dealt with HA for 25 years so let's just say I am an old pro. However, it has NEVER been this bad and it is getting harder to get through the day.

My latest episode started back in June with some prostate related concerns (I will spear the details, but it was fairly minor at the time). I have also been dealing with a huge amount of stress at work during this time frame as well. I think it is also important to note that I am 41, which I do know is on the young side for Prostate C.

I did make an appointment with the urologist but it took me a solid month to get in to see him. I went on a family vacation and that is when everything spiraled out of control. I started getting significant groin pain, leg pain, back pain, foot pain, etc. As we all do, our mind wanders to the worst case scenario and that is what I had to dwell on for the next few weeks until I saw the Urologist.

My appointment came and went with little flare. He said that I presented with classic symptoms of non-bacterial prostatitis, which can definitely be brought on by stress. He told me to come back in 4 weeks if my symptoms did not improve. However, he didn't really conduct any test outside of a rectal exam. He didn't want to run PSA because he thought it my produce a false negative.

Let's just say this appointment did not help my mental state. My low back and buttock pain got worse and every time I lay down my feet start to tingle. I also have this tingling now in my hands. It also seems like it is much harder to breath as if something is pushing on my internal organs (pain in side).

Of course, I committed the cardinal sin of HA and googled symptoms. Now, I feel as if I have late stage Prostate C because low back pain, rib pain and numbness in feet is a clear sign of this dreaded disease.

Please help walk me off the ledge because it is getting really hard to get through each day and I feel like I am missing my kids grow up.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and feedback!

21-08-18, 20:36
*Responded on Anxiety Central Message board.