View Full Version : Hantavirus!! I swept up deer mice poop!

22-08-18, 16:47
Last night I found mice droppings in the window sill of my daughters room. Literally inches away from where me and here sleep every night. I went and bought 12 traps and put them out and this morning I had caught a DEER MOUSE! Well I sent my daughter to school and took off work and called an exterminator. He’ll be here in an hour. Then I started frantically cleaning. Bleaching, vacuuming, sweeping! I found another area in the opposite end of my house we’re my dog stays that was full of mouse poop. I’m assuming because his food is in there. Well anyway, I began sweeping up the poop and dust and particles were flying eveywhere. I was wearing gloves but just shorts and a T-shirt. My body or nose wasn’t protected. It wasn’t until after I had been cleaning for about 30-45 mins that I thought about Hantavirus! I for 100% inhaled poop and mouse pee. I’m also afraid that the poop was so close to us when we were sleeping, I could’ve inhaled it that way too. I live in Mississippi and we’ve never had a known case of Hanta but the mouse I caught was for sure a deer mouse and I’m afraid there may be more. Please help! I very well could’ve been exposed.

22-08-18, 17:02
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


22-08-18, 17:11
I really rarely ever post. This is my 3rd post started in 3 months, which is unusually high for me but I don’t believe is unusually high. This is a real fear for me since I did things which could’ve exposed me.

22-08-18, 17:17
"I live in Mississippi and we’ve never had a known case of Hanta"

22-08-18, 23:01
I really rarely ever post. This is my 3rd post started in 3 months, which is unusually high for me but I don’t believe is unusually high. This is a real fear for me since I did things which could’ve exposed me.
It might be that she posted this on the wrong post by mistake.

23-08-18, 16:19
The exterminator was less than helpful. She had never even heard of hantavirus. How in the world??

23-08-18, 16:45
I’d never heard of it before joining an anxiety forum.

I’m sure you’ll be fine. You just need to keep reminding yourself that there has never been a case in your state. Ever. There won’t be one now x

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