View Full Version : Teachers?

16-08-07, 11:14
I've noticed over the last couple of weeks how many teachers there are posting on nmp and that got me wondering....

How many of us that suffer from anxiety and depression are teachers?

16-08-07, 11:39
It's also the summer holidays which tends to bring this on. 6 weeks is a long time and you get out of rhymn quite badly.


16-08-07, 20:58
do people think that the job contributes?

16-08-07, 22:54
Not sure about teachers, but my GAD and panic attacks emerged after a particularly stressful time at work

17-08-07, 07:32
I have had to take 3 long term absenses in a row cos of depression due to teaching and stress. I have written to my mp, sec of state etc cos i think that it is something that needs to be addressed big time! How can the gov raise standards when they are destroying their teachers? Every Child Matters makes me laugh, It should read Every Child must reach its target matters!

17-08-07, 08:45
I think the job contributes, but I guess the same could be said of any job. My 3 most recent episodes have occured after stressful times at work, but other members of staff have been through the same stresses and managed. I think some people are more susceptible to worry and stress and their body reacts to it by anxiety, panic IBS.... I am my own worse enemy, I knew I was getting stressed and rushing round like crazy, the diziness came back, but did I slow down - no!! I carried on, no exercising, no relaxing, too much crap food and alcohol and bang the anxiety was back. I'm determined to be calmer next term, not be as much as a perfectionist, if the display isn't done so what!!

17-08-07, 11:52
I am my own worse enemy, I knew I was getting stressed and rushing round like crazy, the diziness came back, but did I slow down - no!! I carried on, no exercising, no relaxing, too much crap food and alcohol and bang the anxiety was back.

Snap - When you do slow down in the holdiays, the body finds it hard to take. It's a bit like coming off drugs. In the past I've tended to feel much better while teaching but the holidays are always a nightmare.


17-08-07, 12:36
I was thinking the same thing.
Yes teaching is stressful, we take the job home with us mentally and physically. But i think it is also more about the type of people that do it, as well at the job.
For me, being with the children helps, I rarely feel anxious or have panic attacks during term time. In fact when I had a huge anxiety attack / mini breakdown during my PGCE it was going on placement that helped me recover.
As tulip said holidays are worse becuase we are emotional at a low and need to recover from working hard, yet the lack of routine, and for some being on their own increases the anxiety.

For me the big problem / shame is that I certainly have not found any SMT / system that fully understands anxiety / panic. In fact I haven't told any school I've worked in - luckily as it hasn't ever meant any time off school it hasn't forced it.