View Full Version : Doctor/hospital call?

22-08-18, 20:57
To cut a long story short on Sunday 24th June I had a pelvic scan for irregular bleeding. On Monday 25th I received a call from the doctor saying they were urgently referring me to the hospital for the Gynaecologist to look at a 6cm cyst found on my right ovary.(their words suspected ovarian cancer).The hospital saw me a week later and they wasn’t overly concerned and said they’d re scan me in 6 weeks. I was re scanned on Saturday as I was on holiday the date on the 6 week scan. Apparently the cyst is still there but the sonographer didn’t give me any further info on it and said the results would be sent to the doc within 7 days. I have a follow up appointment with the gynaecologist on 3rd September which I assumed we’d look at the results of the 2nd scan.
Since Monday I have been worrying my phone will ring in urgency from what they might have seen. Tonight whilst driving home from picking my daughter up from my parents house my phone connected to the car hands free and showed a private number call at 7.30 pm. I didn’t answer, i was scared it was the hospital or doctor and they would discuss the results and I didn’t want my daughter to hear.
No message was left. My husband doesn’t think it would be the doctors or hospital at that time of night. In everyone else’s experience is this possible?

22-08-18, 21:17
I can't imagine that they would phone you at that time unless you have a private doc. Even then I'd think they would do their phoning in office hours.
If it's any consolation I had a pelvic scan for a lost coil and I had a 6cm cyst on my right ovary with "features of malignancy". I was fast tracked but the consultant was not concerned. He said he could monitor it or I could have it removed so I opted for the latter. It was a benign Brenner tumour. The lady in the next bed had a 21 lb ovarian tumour removed- completely benign! We kept in touch so I know that for sure. The consultant said 98% of ovarian cysts/tumours are benign

22-08-18, 21:28
If it was that important, they'd leave a message.

Positive thoughts

23-08-18, 05:22
Thank you both for trying to reassure me.

Katie55 - Thank you that is reassuring although the thought of having it removed scares me too. I have a fear of operations and being put to sleep. X

23-08-18, 08:23
The good thing to hang on to is you know it's gone forever and can't hurt you any more