View Full Version : Making My Yearly Derm Appt

22-08-18, 22:54
Struggling now. I am a bit overdue for my full body skin exam but I just contacted to make the appointment. I have been procrastinating going as it gives me a LOT of anxiety.

I had a basal cell on my nose (likely from all the surfing I do) and it freaked me out so much and sent me into a tailspin.

Been back to the derm since then but they always want to biopsy something and it wrecks me for a week straight until I get the results.

Since I had one bad result with the basal cell I am petrified now as my fears have been confirmed so to speak.

I have a lot of odd moles (one derm said that's just how my body makes moles) and I keep an eye on them, but sometimes I'll hyper focus on one and worry about it. I'm worried about one on my back now that I think has been there for a while but suddenly my mind is wondering if it was always that big. It's evenly round and light brown evenly colored but it's just large and kind of raised. It doesn't trip any of the ABDCE's except size, it's probably about 6mm.

I have some really strange ones that I'm not worried about. But then others will worry me!

I have to go to the derm eventually. Just posting here to vent. It's so, so scary for me. Even looking up doctors to make the appt (I have to change docs because of an insurance change) has made me extremely anxious and light headed.

22-08-18, 23:09
I am a very moley person too, loads of them. I just did my derm annual a couple days ago, and in the end, he found nothing suspicious, even the new ones I had which I felt were odd he thought nothing of. I just posted about anxiety from health checkups, and I feel for you.

I don't have much to offer other than a sympathetic ear, however. We just have to do it.

23-08-18, 21:21
Thanks. I'm trying out a new dermatologist. I was able to get an appt pretty soon so I won't have it hanging over my head at least.

I know I'm gonna have to take some anxiety meds before going in :weep:

24-08-18, 00:48
I feel ya! I had my skin check last month. I also have a basal cell in my history!

If it makes you feel better, I got out of there with nothing cut off! I was shocked. I usually end up with something tested or cut off (most have been actinic keratoses lately but I have had something like 9 moles suspicious for the big M).

I know how nerve wracking these appointments are, but you have no choice!! Take a deep breath and just do it!!!

28-08-18, 18:07
I’m in the office now waiting for appt. took some Ativan last night and this morning and I’m still shaking like a leaf. Just venting. Wish I could get over this fear

28-08-18, 20:06
How did it go? :)

28-08-18, 21:04
Well, I didn't point out any "worry" moles as to me they're all worrying. So I just let her do her thing. She wanted to do a shave biopsy of the larger one on my back that had caught my eye a few weeks ago and was my current "worry mole".

So, I guess that's concerning. Although, she didn't seem overly concerned about it. I'm super loaded up on Ativan right now so I'm thinking that's keeping me in check from my brain absolutely going bonkers about it.

I am worried but the mole looked unassuming except it was kind of large. So I guess if it had caught my eye recently even if it did grow it would likely be in early stages? I have no idea. It's not dark or irregular.

I did like this new dermo though, she was thorough and nice. Used a dermoscope on the moles she was looking at.

I had to have two acinic keratoses burned off my cheek, but I knew those were there and I wasn't worried.