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View Full Version : Have HA real bad ,confused about meds,pls helppppp

06-01-05, 20:15
I have bad HA,GADs/Depression ,I tried lexapro ,it drove my anxiety up the wall at 10 mg , then Dr put me on 20 mg ,my stomach was very ill ,only was able to take it 2.5 weeks ,then went to gen paxil,which is what i'm on now,i'm eating like a horse & have gained weight ,my dr told me watch what i eat & join exercise class....yea right,never had this prob before & i'm broke due to having to quit my job becuz of my HA .,my anxiety,even with 40 mg is crazy,but much better ,I could live with that,but gaining weight is depressing & don't want to increase the dose...:( . I was thinking about trying effexor XR ,I read(I know....my mistake) that effexor can make you nervous which my leg already shakes,lol but don't want to be sleepy either,also heard the effexor is good with weight...,my question is what's the best anti depressent for HA without all the side effects that others have experienced .? Please help ,my dr sayes I can change if I choose ,but i'm nervous about changing don't want to get back to where I was. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee helpppppppppppppppppppppp! Thx,Chris [?]

06-01-05, 21:10
Sorry Chris but I can't answer that cos everyone is so different.

I was on 2 different meds and some people on here had great results with them and I didn't so it is really down to the individual to find one that suits them.

The same goes for any medication. I was on 3 different blood pressure medications before I found one that suited me. One left me so breathless they had to give me a strong asthma inhaler yet the doctor said it wasn't a common side-effect.

I put on over 2 stone with one of the meds I was on too.

It really is trial and error at times I am afraid. If every med suited everyone then there would only ever be one on the market.

Sorry I am not much help but that is the reality of it I am afraid.

Good luck.


06-01-05, 21:16
I read your message on the e mail you sent, and I was on Paxil for 3 years, and had an extremely horrid job getting off them, this was 3 years ago, and am not right now, developed depression, besides the panic attacks, and am not able to get out of the house like I used to.
I am on Cipralex now, and they do take about a month to get used to them.
On Paxil the weight went on by almost 2 stone, Cipralex has not put any weight on me, infact I have lost weight, but would say again they take about 4 weeks to get used to them.
Have been on Effexor, but they never helped me much. were not on them long. good luck what you decide.

07-01-05, 14:31
Hi Chris

Some people get on great with meds others react badly and like Nic says it is a case of trial and error with whatever meds your doctor wants to try you on.

I have tried lots of different ones and had some terrible side effects even from the one i am on now but i persevered and i think it has helped me.

A lot of the medication does cause weight gain, so you have to be really careful about what you eat and try and opt for a healthier diet. If the tablets are working but cause weight gain try to curb the diet, then you can have both a healthier weight and mind.

Best of luck.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx