View Full Version : Sleep apnea increasing health anxiety

23-08-18, 07:35
Hi! I am a 29 (next week 30) year old man. I was diagnosed four and a half years ago with mild sleep apnea (was already quite tired by then) and was advised potitional sleep changes. Soon after that I moved to another city and kind of left it all aside. That same year I developed a serious panic disorder and didn’t leave my house for a long time (took me three years to get my anxiety to a managable level and be able to do normal everyday activities. Recently, due to an ever increasing tiredness, I went to do a new sleep test. My sleep apnea worsened and is now mild to severe. The doctor said all my symptoms of fatigue are related to apnea and recommened me to use a CPAP, which I am using for three months now sadly to no avail yet.

My anxiety goes up due to me feeling physically so tired. I also suspect my anxiety has greatly worsened due to my sleep apnea.

With me my anxiety is predominately focussed on my heart. I’ve done an EKG, electrocardiogram, 24h holter, and blood tests recently. Everything was just fine. The holter did show some arrhythmias, but those were considered normal. I also have moments of sinus tachycardia, having a heartrate of 160/170bpm, seemingly out of nowhere. The doctor gave me beta blockers, but I haven’t used them yet (I do use Cymbalta and very occasionally the lowest dose of clonazepam). I have them with me though and might take them if I have a bad episode. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about, but my own general practitioner wants me to keep an eye on it. I know a healthy heart can take quite a lot, but it’s very difficult to stop the automatic thought process of thinking about the worst. I am working on not checking my pulse anymore when I feel anxious and just ride it out.

I know I am not really asking a question here, but I simply wanted to share this with people that might recognize certain things they relate to. If so, please let me know.
Thank you.

23-08-18, 12:53
I have moderate to sever sleep apnea and my only advice is this:

Since you have an actual diagnosis, get a CPAP machine and suck it up and use it, even if you don't like it. CPAP is a bit annoying but if you use it, you will feel better and you won't have to worry about the complications from sleep apnea anymore.

23-08-18, 17:29
I agree. I have severe apnea, and I am certain my CPAP has saved my life. Aside from not falling asleep while driving anymore, I also have lvh that I am now working on treating, due to the previous untreated years of apnea.

If you are diagnosed, get treated. It's no joke.