View Full Version : Ovary pain / irregular bleeding

23-08-18, 11:56
Hi all!!

firstly - apologies for a lengthy post, i'm just really suffering at the moment and i just wanted to see if anyone has experienced anything similar to what i am going through now.

i'll probably have to give some background, so basically - i am 22 years old and i've been on BC (implant & injection) for around 7 years with irregular periods. i figured BC can wreak havoc on periods and haven't really been that concerned about the irregularities before.

in early feb i stopped getting the injection as it wasn't working for me mentally and i wanted to stop hormonal BC, so decided on getting a copper coil. i got my first period shortly after it was fitted in march.

since then it's been pretty chaotic down there. i've been bleeding irregularly since then, and went through a time of just having very dark blood. this has now become red blood mostly but i've noticed the consistency is quite mucusy (sorry about going into such detail!) i've noticed throughout this time i have been a bit bloated sometimes which i always just put down to my hormones and periods going a bit wild.

last weekend i had sex and after that, my ovary area has had pains (particularly in the left side i think). its not constant - it's actually only if i move abruptly, walking about or sit down/bend over.

obviously with suffering so much with HA, my mind has become hell again after googling (i know!). my suspicions are a cyst or something more sinister which i hate even writing down.

i visited my sexual health clinic as i'd booked an appointment assuming my coil was causing the pain but the night before i did the googling and realised it could most likely be those other issues. my doctor examined me and didn't really seem to think it was a cyst but she didnt press on my stomach low enough. coil was fine and in place. she said to come back if it persists and we can get a scan done to ease my mind, but i basically asked for a scan anyway as i know i'm going to worry for longer.

sorry for such a long post, it feels better to use the forum than burden my family and boyfriend anymore and hopefully i can get some sort of reassurance.
