View Full Version : Every day is a struggle

23-08-18, 17:50
I recently came off meds due to weight gain. I have struggled with severe anxiety for around 7 years solid this is the 1st time I have been off medication my dr won't give me anything else because I am waiting on an appointment with a phychatrist. I can't sleep when I eat it feels like i am gonna a chocke I feel sick all the time constant headache anxiety and panic attacks I just don't know what else to do feels like the anxiety is gonna win and I don't have any more fight in me

23-08-18, 19:58
Hi Ronstar

I have just tried to eat my dinner although a small meal, it was so hard to eat and keep it
down. Not looking forward to bed either slept just 3 hours last night, my stomach is on
fire, my head is buzzing, I am trying to be positive but it's getting me down. So you see
you are not alone, many of us on here know what your going through. Please keep fighting, tell yourself it will get better. There are people to help us through this awful
time, we have to keep faith and fight on.

Best wishes Geoff

16-09-18, 11:35

I can tell you everything you are experiencing is what I've been through the last week. The side effects of anxiety can sometimes be more difficult to come to terms with as they are psychical and it makes anxiety seem realer.

But, it will pass. It always passes, be sure you talk to a GP, maybe look at getting some therapy and if you can't eat make sure your drinking lots of water.

All the best.

Clydesdale Epona
16-09-18, 19:22
So sorry to hear about your struggles its hard but you always pull through trust me.

eating small and often can help, if its a particularly bad day don't sweat it! go for whatever you think you can handle be it soup or something?
on particularly bad days i just have loads of crisps haha:)

make sure you're staying hydrated and take care of yourself x

22-09-18, 19:01
I too know what you are going through- every day can seem like a constant battle. I too find it difficult to eat when anxious - in the past even not being able to swallow anything- at these times I tried soup, pasta and sauce and even resorted to “Complan” to keep my strength up. Nutrition is important in being able to fight this. I’ve also been having sleep problems - either not sleeping or waking with panic. I’ve started to try and make myself a little bedroom “haven” by leaving a low light on to stop me feeling claustrophobic , not closing the curtains so I can see any light outside (I’m lucky not to be overlooked!), leaving the radio on all night and when I do wake with a panic I listen to No Panic’s crisis message which I’ve found helpful. My strategies may not work for you of course but thought I’d share in case they do help.