View Full Version : Awful Anxiety

16-08-07, 12:04
Hello There

I am new to this forum and wondered if there is anyone out there that suffers with similar problems to myself. I am now in my mid forties but still young at heart, I have suffered with severe anxiety on and off for many years and it has become so bad in the past that I have almost been hospitalised, I have been on effexor and Lorazepam for a couple of years.
My anxiety seems to rear its ugly head when I feel that I cannot cope in certain situations and I am not in control, I have an overwhelming feeling of dread and find it difficult to eat, have bad dreams that make me wake up feeling very anxious, I have felt so desperate at times that I have just felt that I want to go to sleep and not wake up. I am not a particularly religious person but I find myself just praying for someone or something to make me feel better, to me it is the worst feeling in the world and I envy people that have never experienced it.
It is also something that most people dont want to go around broadcasting as for me it makes me feel like I am a very weak person and that does not doa lot for my self esteem, so there are only a very select few people that I feel really know me. It is an incredibly isolating and debilitating illness, hence the reason for me joining this forum, I hope that maybe that there is some people out there that can relate to my problems and I would be grateful to hear from you maybe feel there is some support available.

Regards to all mf

16-08-07, 12:15
Hiya : ) i joined here a few days ago and its the best thing i feel i could have done. I have already realised i am not alone and I have found all sorts of advice and encouraging words here already. I find it has helped me also to answer other peoples questions and give advice on their problems particularly if they are different to mine as it has taken my mind off my own worries for a moment.
I too am not eating much at the moment, and feel completley out of control of my thoughts which has why the panic has come back in recent weeks. I know what you mean about wanting to ask someone for help like praying, ive been tempted to turn to religion in the hope it may help! and i agree about almost envying people who dont have it, but thats the thing everyone has their own worries that you wont see from the outside. Like us, alot of people wont know we have problems behind the scenes but we do! Try to remember when looking around that no-one is perfect, and yeah they are lucky not to have serious anxiety if they dont, but its suprising what you learn about 'perfect' people. Some people are dealing with bereavement or the aftermath of serious illness like cancer that can scar you mentally for life etc So never feel alone, cos youre not at all!!

I know what you mean about not wanting to tell everyone, i get scared people will think im crazy and back away from me etc which is why the board is ideal cos you can tell people here about your problems and gain help and support :)

I hope it can help you to get on the road to recovery. :hugs:

16-08-07, 12:53
Hi Beauty

Thanks for your response, Its good to know that I am not the only person on the planet that feels like I am sometimes losing the plot and and in fear of being carted away by the men in white coats. I have friends that are so together, and really do not know what anxiety is, I am not saying that they all have perfect lives and dont sometimes get down or stressed but they really are fortunate enough not to have the very frightening and scary anxiety feelings that really are disabling at times, its almost like an invisible illness as we can to a degree mask it and noone knows the turmoil we go through behind closed doors. I guess that could be said of a lot of people, like you say people that have awful physical illnesses. The problem with mental problems is that they are not always as easy to treat as the physical ones and sometimes a lot more difficult to understand.
Anyway I look forward to meeting new like minded people and offering and receiving support from this forum.
regards mf

16-08-07, 13:08
Hello mf :welcome:to you!

You're among friends here!

I used to feel the same til I stumbled on NMP while trying to find out about my medicaton!

So glad I joined, I've had so much help here - and I'm sure you will have too....and be able to give it!

Pleased to meet you!

PS: I think one of the most comforting things is knowing you're not alone eh? Was for me!


16-08-07, 13:10

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


16-08-07, 13:33

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

16-08-07, 16:32
I am also in my 40s and have suffered for years very similar to you, even had the same wishes, all my friends seem "normal" i make excuses not to see people wake up with dread etc, BUT you can get better with help and advice from everyone here it will help you to know you're not alone you are not going crazy and wont get carted off by anyone.
The only people are that are so called mad don't even know they are mad,(i really don't like that term so forgive my use of it please) anyone rational enough tp think they are going crazy arn't, please take comfort from anyone here, if you ever want to chat PM me or email me i'm always around and would love to chat and help anyway i can :)


16-08-07, 16:43
Hi mf,

Just want to say,




16-08-07, 20:19
Hi mf and :welcome:

You'll get loads of support and advice here while making new friends along the way. I have in the past not cared whether I woke up and struggle with nausea sometimes so hopefully you feel a little less alone.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Princess
16-08-07, 20:26
welcome xxxxxxxxx


love minnie xxxxxxx

16-08-07, 20:33
Just want to say thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome and your kind words of support, its truly appreciated

17-08-07, 19:14

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

I am sure you will get loads of support and advice here and meet some lovely people.

18-08-07, 10:24
Hi Mf,

A big warm welcome to you. xx