View Full Version : My recent experiences with health anxiety and its symptoms

23-08-18, 22:22
Hello. 22 year old male from New Zealand here
. I'm a fairly new user of this website and I just feel like I wanted to share my ongoing recent experiences with health anxiety and it's many symptoms. I think I've always kind of had it to some extent but I didn't become a problem until I was around 15 when my Nanna had an angina attack, and I started feeling pain in my arms. Eventually that passed but then at 18 it started to get more severe. I started having chest pains heart palpitations, that eventually lead to me having lots of headaches, twitching and cramping muscles. First convincing myself I was having heart failure at 18 and once the headaches started happening a brain tumour of some kind that had spread to my Chest. This also passed but I still got cramps and twitches that honestly just solved themselves once I started eating more Bananas. My recent episode started a few months ago, when one day I discovered red in my stool. Promoting a slight panic attack and constant anxiety that I can't quite shake off. I went to the dr a week later, one who dealt with my previous belt of anxiety and they said I had constipated myself, through stress they did check and nothing was there except for some hemmies and fissures. This did nothing to ease my anxiety though, which developed into anxiety about bowel cancer and then pancreatic cancer. Even leading to embarrassing episodes of me checking my eyes for signs of jaundice. Eventually my bowel problems passed slightly but the anxiety still lingered. Currently I have convinced myself that I have a form of leukaemia or lymphoma. An assumption created by the fact that I recently got a mild skin infection, which I read about and saw that it could happen immunocompromised people, like leukaemia, this again prompting a new fear. I've also been feeling tired recently but that is likely to be due to the quality of sleep I've been having and the fact that my current work and study life mean I get no weekends or days off. Though it's easy to see where these problems are coming from the irrational part of my brain keeps convincing me that I'm slowly dying, a fact that is making me rather miserable. I also have random pains which I assume are anxiety related . Just wanted to share my recent experiences with you people, and ask for any advice for someone who just wants to control their anxiety.
Kia Kaha
Stay Strong