View Full Version : Holiday travel anxiety!

24-08-18, 09:12
Hi all,
Just popping on here to say wish me luck as im off to New York tomorrow morning!!
I have my Propanolol and Kalms ready but im feeling the wobbles of travel.
New York is going to be epic but for an anxiety sufferer im wondering if im going to struggle!!?
Anyone been?
Send me help!!
Much love Sarah x

24-08-18, 09:59
Hi Sarah,
I'm going abroad for the first time, on my own, in a week! I've no idea how I'm going to cope on the plane, never mind when I get there!

I'd appreciate any advice too :)

24-08-18, 12:19
Hi, ive travelled alone before its really fine! But you get all the usual travel worries about queues, security, transport, except you're by yourself!!
Just have to get on with it...sheer determination and it feels great after knowing you did alone.!
But still get wobbles..

24-08-18, 20:35
I travelled to India alone when my anxiety was relatively bad & the worst part for me was the airport and flight, I tend to feel worse when I'm waiting around. Whenever I get off the plane though I always feel like "Yes I've done it!"
You'll be so preoccupied with everything that I'm sure your anxiety won't be an issue. And if you feel anxious when you're there just take a minute, sit and watch the crazy world go by & keep applauding yourself for being brave enough to do it x

25-08-18, 05:53
Its true, i find the airport the worst bit. Waiting. I can't eat. Everything is stressing me out. But ive got through security now im just waiting. Trying so hard to relax but my stomach is in knots.
I HATE anxiety.

27-08-18, 10:24
Thank you :). If I live, I'll feel stronger and better for it!