View Full Version : One thing to the next

24-08-18, 09:17
I'm so furious. I got checked today for a AAA (one of my biggest fears) because I had lower left back pain and tenderness, with discomfort. When cleared, my brain instantly switched to a new fear: Illiac aneurysm. THESE ARE INCREDIBLY UNCOMMON. Is this typical of HA? Once one thing is ruled out, it's on to the next death sentence?

24-08-18, 09:52
Yes... Totally typical when at its worst. And that's why you have to try to convince yourself that what you are feeling is anxiety. You need to try to break the cycle and stop focussing inwardly. I used to find going for a run helped me - mainly because it made me realise I wasn't close to death if I could run 5km! Force yourself to go and do things, don't Google. It passes eventually. At my worst (admittedly when I was on steroids for something) I literally jumped from 5-6 different types of cancer to stroke and blood clots one after the other.

Space x

24-08-18, 13:21
Yep, 100% typical of HA. Once you are 'over' one worry your brain finds another. Sometimes it's days, sometimes weeks and sometimes more but it's usually quite soon. I've 'had' 20+ types of cancer (in my mind). As soon as I'm over one thing I think "Right Lucy you were wrong again, lets not do this next time" and then low and behold I'm moving on to another.

24-08-18, 13:25
How do you even know what an Illiac aneurysm is?

24-08-18, 13:48
How do you even know what an Illiac aneurysm is?

:roflmao: That's a point

25-08-18, 21:32
Yes, this is very typical of HA. We can never be 100% convinced that we are fine and that there isn't anything sinister just beneath the surface.

Cutting out google might help, because why else do you know what an illiac aneurysm is??

Best wishes