View Full Version : HA Really bad at the moment

24-08-18, 10:19
I really don't know what to do, I'm taking Effexor for my HA, I've tried CBT, counselling etc but I just have phases where I can't get a grip.

For years I've thought I've got leukemia or some other blood cancer. As a result I've put off having a FBC done, my GP knows this and said she can't make me have it done but the anxiety by not having it done is probably worse.

As you can imagine because of this every symptom just confirms my belief thats what I've got. If I'm tired, weak etc, get sick, have a temperature you name it I just think that's what it is.

I had a scare yesterday with a blood test I posted about, then managed to console myself but now I'm worrying about excessive bleeding.

I go through phases of bruising easily and I normally know how I've got them (most of the time) but now I'm worrying about a couple of cuts.

I did these home blood tests yesterday for thyroid (long story) and had to pierce two fingertips for the blood. One just stopped bleeding by applying some light pressure but the other one bled a bit so I popped a plaster on. I didn't think anything of it but about 20 mins later I went to have a shower and ripped the plaster off. I then noticed it was bleeding again. Admittedly I put a tissue on it and pressed and it stopped within less than a minute but it was literally a small cut from a lancet and I don't get why it started bleeding again when I took the plaster off.

I also cut my fingertip the other day on a piece of plastic and that seemed to bleed quite a bit. It stopped with pressure and didn't need a plaster but just seemed to bleed more than normal.

Having said that my cat scratched me and I smacked my knuckle and took the skin off and neither of those bled. Also the other Lancet mark on the finger next to it stopped bleeding pretty much instantly and didn't even need a plaster.

I hate this, I know it's because my brain is saying "Blood cancer" and it's because I haven't had the test done.

Does this sound like a bleeding problem or am I just reading too much into it.

I spoke to my mum who just laughed because she bruises like a peach and has a huge note over her dental records that says "excessive bleeder", she just thinks it's a genetic think and I'm getting older, weaker skin etc.

Also any advice on how I can deal with this, as I say I've tried CBT, Counselling, I take Meds, anyone found anything that works.

It's almost like my HA has progressed into avoidance. Years ago I had every test going for reassurance, now I avoid them like the plague because I'm scared of the results.

24-08-18, 13:19
The fact you've thought you've had it for years and are still OK probably suggests you don't. I understand the fear of getting tests but I have to admit I struggle to understand the not just getting on with it part. Your an adult you have to take some responsibility for yourself and if you truly believe you have these conditions, wouldn't you want to know so you could do something about it and not just let it get worse? I bruise like a peach, lots of people do, on it's own that usually doesn't mean anything. If doing home blood tests is causing you this much distress you should really stop doing them and leave it to the professionals, that way you can known they've done it correctly and they would tell you if there was any issues with clotting etc.

Alot of the time the conditions you are worrying about (if you even had them which is very unlikely) can be cured anyway, avoiding tests however is the dangerous part.