View Full Version : hi there

16-08-07, 13:33
Hi. I would like to introduce myself to this forum. I am 26 years old and I am suffering from Panic Disorder.

Yesterday my doctor prescribed me fluoxetine after I told her how I had my first panic attack in March. It seemed to be a result of a number of things when I had my first one. I had taken on the ambitious project of rennovating a house with a friend, I had just taken a new job. This was coupled with the fact that my car had broken down so I had sold it and got a new car but after a few weeks this had serious problems which no matter how much money I throw at it don't ever seem to go away. In the weeks leading up to the panic attack feelings of low self esteem that have plagued me ever since I was young resurfaced.
Since march the attacks have continued as I can't escape the stress of rennovating the house. I can't put it on hold until I feel better as other people are involved (renting out rooms etc.) My car continues to fault and I constantly mess up things with my girlfriend which I know makes her feel as though I don't care.
Whenever I am worrying about my car or money in the lead up to an attack I feel as though I want to die and for a few moments my thoughts turn to self-harm. I also feel that I took up smoking BECAUSE it was bad for me rather than to relieve stress.
In many ways I want to relieve myself of my panic attacks more for other peoples sake than my own. I wish that my girlfriend and I could have a happier relationship without my stresses. I really want to be able to have a normal disagreements without me panicking and throwing up. I would like to feel more like a man and be there for her rather than have her look after me all the time. And I want to be able to work on the house project for more for the other people that live in it than myself.

I actually feel much better for putting my thoughts down.

16-08-07, 13:37

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

16-08-07, 14:43

Just remember that you are not on your own. Looking through this site makes you realise how many people feel the same and that you aren't weird. Read through the advice on breathing and distraction techniques - it really helps. It will get easier, but don't worry if it takes a while.


16-08-07, 17:02
Hi :D


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.

Please take time to read ( first steps, How to cope) these are located on the left hand side of the screen.



16-08-07, 17:16
Hello cox1981 :welcome:to you!

Glad you're feeling better for writing things down - that's a great step forward and many of us here have also found that helps.

You'll get plenty more help, and encouragement and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


16-08-07, 20:25
Hi cox1981 and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm glad you feel better having written your thoughts down and believe me coming through panic attacks takes courage so you are definitely a strong man.

Take care,

Mike :)

16-08-07, 20:32
Hi Cox

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.


Pink Princess
16-08-07, 20:48

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-08-07, 10:34
Wow! Thanks for all of your kind responses. It make me feel much better to feel that I am not alone in this.

17-08-07, 11:54
Hey Cox,
Welcome........its Good To Write Down Ya Feelings Im Sure Ya Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here.wish Ya The Best.......linda X

17-08-07, 17:12
Hi Cox,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

17-08-07, 19:06
Hi Cox

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

I am sure you will get loads of support and advice here and meet some lovely people.