View Full Version : burning sensation bc of anxiety?

25-08-18, 00:54
Has anyone experienced a burning sensations due to anxiety? For me it feels like my skin is catching on fire but when you touch it, it is not hot at all. May be like a sun burn too. Or it is a little tingly and numb feeling. Sometimes I wake up to this sensation and it makes me so scared. It tends to go through one side of my neck, shoulders, chest, arms, and breasts. More occasionally it burns on my right side, but it does go to my left as well. The sensastion caused me to fear of imflammatory breast cancer because I feel it in my breasts.. but i want to believe its all due to anxiety.

25-08-18, 08:33

Yes I've experienced this recently on the left part of my chest. I too feel and it doesn't seem hot physically despite me feeling the sensation!

25-08-18, 23:24
I get this. I actually logged on to see if anyone could suggest how reduce it a bit.

It's related to the fight flight response. Your blood is being diverted away from the skin to where it will be needed e.g. the muscles.

25-08-18, 23:31
I get something similar to this but it's due to a trapped nerve, my skin feels like it is on fire, but when I touch it it feels normal. X

26-08-18, 17:05
I get burning sensations on my face, scalp and arms. It’s horrible!! Tends to go away when I ignore it.