View Full Version : List of drugs my brother is on please help!

25-08-18, 16:22
Hi my little brother suffers from autism and tourettes. He suffers with severe motor tics and anxiety. I think the tics cause him to be anxious and then the anxiety causes the tics to be worse. But it seems to be more than tics as he now has shakes/tremors, he often looks like he's having a fit he's always arched over I think it's a coping mechanism to help the tics. But I know the tremors are definitely nothing to do with his tourettes. I'm really worried about all the meds they are pumping him with. They have been doing it for alone time and nothing seems to be helping. I will post a list of the meds he's currently on I'm hoping someone can shed some light as we have no idea what he's on and if it might be causing more harm than good. And we are lost with how to help him and he can't go on like this any longer.

Mirtazapine - 45mg tabs - one to be taken in the evening (45mg daily)

Orphenadrine - 50mg/5ml solution - one 5ml to be taken twice daily morning and evening (100mg daily)

Olanzapine - 5mg tabs one to be taken at lunch and two at night (15mg daily)

Sertraline - 150mg one 100mg and one 50mg tablet to be taken in the morning (150mg daily)

Diazepam - 5mg tabs - one in the morning, one at lunch and one at night (15mg daily)

Circadin - 2mg tabs - two to be taken at night (4mg daily).

If there is anyone that knows about medication and wide effects or even why he might be on all of these please comment or message me. I have a meeting with his psychiatrist on Friday and I want to question him about all the drugs but I'm clueless and most of the reviews that come up online are from pharma companies. TIA

25-08-18, 18:52
Hi my little brother suffers from autism and tourettes. He suffers with severe motor tics and anxiety. I think the tics cause him to be anxious and then the anxiety causes the tics to be worse. But it seems to be more than tics as he now has shakes/tremors, he often looks like he's having a fit he's always arched over I think it's a coping mechanism to help the tics. But I know the tremors are definitely nothing to do with his tourettes. I'm really worried about all the meds they are pumping him with. They have been doing it for alone time and nothing seems to be helping. I will post a list of the meds he's currently on I'm hoping someone can shed some light as we have no idea what he's on and if it might be causing more harm than good. And we are lost with how to help him and he can't go on like this any longer.

Mirtazapine - 45mg tabs - one to be taken in the evening (45mg daily)

Orphenadrine - 50mg/5ml solution - one 5ml to be taken twice daily morning and evening (100mg daily)

Olanzapine - 5mg tabs one to be taken at lunch and two at night (15mg daily)

Sertraline - 150mg one 100mg and one 50mg tablet to be taken in the morning (150mg daily)

Diazepam - 5mg tabs - one in the morning, one at lunch and one at night (15mg daily)

Circadin - 2mg tabs - two to be taken at night (4mg daily).

If there is anyone that knows about medication and wide effects or even why he might be on all of these please comment or message me. I have a meeting with his psychiatrist on Friday and I want to question him about all the drugs but I'm clueless and most of the reviews that come up online are from pharma companies. TIA

Whilst that is quite a few Meds he has a few medicinal diagnosis so they pretty much all have their place except the orphenadrine which has the same action as mirtazapine. So
Mirtazapine and sertraline are antidepressants that can be used together as one is a nassa and another is an ssri. Olanazpine is an antipsychotic/mood stabiliser so has its place in your brothers regime. Diazepam can help with anxiety, muscle relaxants and your brothers tics and circadian is melatonin which is a naturally occurring substance which helps our bodies understand when and what time to sleep. The only thing I would say about most of these Meds is they are all pretty much sedating except sertraline so I’m surprised your brother can get up and go about his day! He must be knackered.

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25-08-18, 20:36
I certainly think that you are well within your rights to question the psychiatrist as to what purpose all these meds are serving particularly as you feel your brother is really struggling despite the chemical onslaught.

Does your brother live at home with you or is he in assisted living? I just wondered what control you and the family have over his psychiatric care? You do need a psychiatrist who is knowledgeable re ASD and Tourette's and doesn't just put the tics down to his autism.

I'd prepare a list of questions for Friday and really lay it on the line with the psych. I know what it's like to feel despair and frustration when you really want to help a loved one but nothing appears to work and the psychiatrists only option is to throw more meds into the equation.

02-09-18, 15:01
Hi thank you for the replys. After a meeting with the psychiatrist I have talked him into weening him off of the olanzapine as all the body movements my little brother has which aren't tics are all common with TD which can be caused by this drug. Then he will be coming off of the orphenadrine. We are really interested in trying the medical cannabis route.. But we will have to see about that